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Who is Tiffany Trump, the "forgotten" daughter of US President Donald Trump?

 Who is Tiffany Trump, the "forgotten" daughter of US President Donald Trump?

Who is Tiffany Trump, the "forgotten" daughter of US President Donald Trump?

Who is Tiffany Trump? The daughter of Donald Trump and Marla Mapple is little known to the general public: who is she, what has she done, what are her positions in relation to her father and her political role?

"As a recent graduate, I can relate to many of you who are currently looking for work." The appearance of Tiffany Trump caused much ink to flow this Tuesday evening at the Republican national convention. An awkward speech for one who has remained withdrawn from family political life.

“Like so many students around the world, I graduated in law during the pandemic. Our generation is united to face the future in these uncertain times - and many of us are thinking about what kind of country we want to live in, ”she added. On social networks, many were indignant at these statements accusing her of comparing herself - she, who is the daughter of a billionaire, 45th President of the United States - to other students, looking for a job in a unfavorable economic conditions.

Much more discreet than the other members of her family, Tiffany Trump is very little known to the public. Return on the course of the young woman of 26 years.

A childhood far from his father

Tiffany Trump owes her first name to the very glamorous jewelry and tableware company, Tiffany & Co, whose air rights were bought by her father in 1979. She is the result of Donald Trump's second marriage to the actress Marla Maples which lasts from 1993, year of her birth, to 1999. Two years before the official separation, Donald Trump sends a FedEx to Marla to announce their separation. A gesture that the future ex-wife will always have had difficulty forgiving.

After her parents' official divorce, six-year-old Tiffany follows her mom to California, away from the family headquarters in New York. Therefore, she moves away from her father somewhat during this time. Maples tells US Weekly about the difficulty of raising a child away from her father. “The truth is, it was a challenge to find a balance between being a working mom and looking after my child full time. Her dad loves her, sure, but… I was the one. parent. I was the parent who was present in the flesh, with her every moment. "

Financially, mother and daughter are not to be pitied. The one who was the billionaire's wife for 6 years chiseled a concrete marriage contract. This lease stipulates that the current president must commit to paying $ 100,000 in annual pension to their daughter until she turns 21. And what do the financial problems of the real estate magnate in the 90s, the sector facing a serious crisis. During this period, Donald Trump is on the brink and is even forced to sell his 85-meter yacht to bail out the crates.

Who is Tiffany Trump, the "forgotten" daughter of US President Donald Trump?

Academic achievement

The family fortune allows him to attend the best schools. In 2016, she obtained her first certificate from the University of Pennsylvania, one of the eight institutions of the prestigious Ivy League. She then studied sociology and urban studies.

Not satisfied after this first success, the young woman is thirsty to learn and goes to the law. She graduated during confinement, in this year 2020, at another renowned university: Georgetown Law. Unlike her elders, she shows no willingness to take over the family business from the Trump Organization. At least until today.

But if the young girl has a brilliant course, she nevertheless imagined things differently in her childhood. Asked by star presenter Oprah Winfrey in 2011, she doesn't hide her love of music: “I love music. It has always been dear to my heart… It's more of a hobby for the moment, but we'll see in a few years if I want to make it my job. "

A dream that she realized at the age of 17, but that opponents of Donald Trump will not hesitate to use during the 2016 campaign. On social networks, some are going around the Web to find the first Tiffany hit, titled "Like a bird". The song begins with these lyrics: "Diamonds sparkle, special things discover me". Music unleashed passions at the time: many Internet users believe that the girl's voice was tampered with. The mockery and the controversy come to undermine the "career" of the teenager.

Variable support for the president, not the man

In 2016, Tiffany Trump publicly displayed her support for Donald Trump, then a presidential candidate in the United States. In her speech, she portrayed him as the ideal father: "In life, my father is so friendly, considerate, so funny and so genuine. All my life I have admired my father, and I love him with all my heart. heart". Four years later, his speech does not change about the one who is now a tenant in the White House. On social networks, she appears very often with her father. Whether it is to wish him a happy birthday or other occasions like on Instagram in June: "Happy Father's Day, dad. I love you so much and I am so grateful to you. Thank you for your constant love, your advice and to always believe in me ".

If her loyalty to her father has not aged a bit, Tiffany Trump sometimes engages in causes that are dear to her, even if it means displeasing the rest of the Trump clan. On June 2, she took part in the "Blackout Tuesday" initiative. This action aims to support the demonstrators against police violence. Like all the participants, she posted a black square on Instagram with a quote from Helen Keller: "Alone we can achieve so little, together we can achieve so much".

The relationship between Donald and Tiffany Trump, however, is still the subject of much speculation. Indeed, the former personal assistant of the billionaire, Madeleine Westerhout, had confided in 2018 that the president was not at all close to his daughter. "He could not recognize her in the crowd," she told reporters, before leaving her post. Ms Westerhout had also reported that the White House tenant believed his daughter was overweight and that was why he refused to be photographed by her side. Allegations that Donald Trump had swept aside, simply replying that he "loved Tiffany", but which still earned the young woman the pseudonym of "forgotten girl".

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