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Donald Trump is preparing a big comeback on social media

 Donald Trump is preparing a big comeback on social media

Donald Trump is preparing a big comeback on social media

According to one of his advisors, the former president of the United States will be back online by the end of spring, but which platform will host him?

Ever since Donald Trump was banned from Twitter, Facebook and many others, the world of social networking has suddenly become more civilized. Less disinformation, fewer post-arsonists, fewer clashes between supporters and opponents of one of the most polarizing political figures in recent history. This period of relative tranquility, however, could soon end: Donald Trump, according to his political adviser and former spokesman Jason Miller, is planning "by the end of spring" to make a big comeback on social media. Yeah, but which platform will be willing to host it?

Twitter has repeatedly made it clear that the ban on the former US president is definitive, even if Trump decides to run for the White House again. Facebook, for its part, is waiting for the recently launched independent committee to decide whether to readmit it or not: a choice that should come by the end of April and after having also listened to the opinions received from Facebook users.

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The probability that the largest social network in the world will reopen its doors to Donald Trump is however, according to Miller himself, very low: "We are not far from the return of President Trump, but it could perhaps take place on a platform that no one knows yet" . A choice of words that would lead to the exclusion of Gab and Parler, the two favorite social networks of the far-right world who would make false papers in order to include the former president among their ranks.

It has not escaped that, in the same days that Jason Miller spoke of the negotiations underway between the staff of the former president and some "brand new platforms", the founder of MyPillow and friend of Trump Mike Lindell - in turn put to the ban from Twitter for having repeatedly relaunched imaginative accusations of electoral fraud - has announced its willingness to launch its own social network in the coming weeks. A place, explained Lindell, "where people can talk freely without walking on eggs".

Could a social network launched by an entrepreneur active in the pillow sector really be the right place to relaunch Donald Trump's online business? According to Jason Miller, it is not important what the former president's destination will be: "In any case it will be an earthquake in the world of social media, because everything Trump touches is destined to become great."

After his farewell to the White House just over two months ago, Trump's public appearances were limited to speaking in February at a Republican conference, a few radio interviews and even some old-fashioned press releases. In this situation, it is certain that Trump's return to social media, wherever it happens, will initially cause a lot of talk. Unlike the worldwide audience guaranteed by the posts on Twitter - taken up by all the media in the world - the risk for the former president of the United States is however that of ending up in a sort of digital Indian reservation, from which he can only preach to the already converted.

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