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From racism to suicidal thoughts: Harry and Meghan's (shock) interview point by point

 From racism to suicidal thoughts: Harry and Meghan's (shock) interview point by point

From racism to suicidal thoughts: Harry and Meghan's (shock) interview point by point

Meghan talked about everything: she accused the royal family of racism, she said that Kate Middleton made her cry and that she felt like dying in London. Harry added: "I don't talk to my father." The bombshell interview, which cuts ties with the Royal House, point by point

Yes, Harry and Meghan Markle have talked. After weeks of waiting and rumors, the "bombshell" interview (yes, it really was) was aired. CBS channel, two hours of show when it was early evening in America and late at night in London (the royal assistants had anticipated that her Majesty would not watch her, but we don't believe it). On the other side of the armchairs, her Majesty (no, not Elizabeth II, but the queen of US TV), Oprah Winfrey.

30 on TV8) opened with the two women - Meghan and Oprah -, Harry arrived after about an hour of the program, and yes, they also showed an unreleased clip with Archie, the eldest son, playing on the beach. And yes, the sand is California sand, not Brighton.

Let's start with the "easy" part, with the good news: Harry and Meghan are expecting a baby girl. For Harry's happiness. And no, they have no plans to have more children. They stop here. The "difficult" is everything else: Meghan accused the royal family of racism; she said Kate (Middleton) made her cry; she that she in London she felt she was dying, and that she had even thought of suicide; she never felt protected. The rest was added by Harry: his father (Prince Charles, heir to the throne) stopped answering him on the phone during the Megxit, now they only hear by email.

But let's go in order, revelation after revelation. After all, there is material. The Crown writers can rest easy: they have it, at least, for another ten seasons.

Meghan - 39, a former actress, daughter of a Hollywood cinematographer who ended up in Mexico and with whom she no longer talks and an African-American yoga teacher - starts with the question of money. She wants to be precise: she and Harry didn't take a pound to talk to Oprah, pardon a dollar. But the queen of American TV managed to put on a turnover of 7 million dollars, around two hours of interview, between television rights paid by CBS to her company, to broadcast the program in prime time and then sell it on international market, and then for the commercials sold for 325 thousand dollars each. like a mini Super Bowl.

Meghan says she entered the royal family in a "naive way", knowing little or nothing about it. "Of course I didn't google the man I fell in love with. I imagined them as the characters of a fairy tale, ”she explains. To then remember when Harry asked her, before meeting the grandmother queen, if she knew how to bow. "The answer of course was no," she continues, "And he taught me it in the courtyard of the palace." The problems, Meghan continues, started after the wedding. But here there is another clarification: among the many revelations, the Duchess of Sussex reveals that in reality she and Harry got married three days before the royal wedding with great fanfare, with carriages, live TV and all that we know.


A private ceremony, in the courtyard of their home, with only the Archbishop of Canterbury and no guests. "We called the Archbishop and told him:" The other will be the show for the world, but we want a moment just for us "". They retain a photo of that ceremony today, hanging in the bedroom of their $ 14 million home in Montecito, Santa Barbara.

After the wedding, Meghan says again, the problems started. “I did everything they told me to do. Of course I did, because they told me "We will protect you". So even though things started circulating in the papers that weren't true, and my friends would call me and say "Meg, this is really bad", I would say "Don't worry, I'm protected." But it all started to get worse when I realized that not only was I not protected, but that they were willing to lie to protect - at my expense - all the other members of the family ».

When Meghan throws the accusations she never says "the royal family" or even "the queen", she turns to an unspecified "The Institution", the institution, which regulates in everything and for all royal life.


Meghan explains that she even thought, at one point, of suicide. "At one point I didn't want to be alive anymore," she says. She was in the fifth month of pregnancy. “I was close to breaking point. I had heard about it from friends and realized it was happening to me too. I had clear, real and frightening thoughts. ' The former actress said that she had sought help within the "Institution", but that the Human Resources Department of the Palace replied: "I see how bad this situation is, but we cannot protect you because you are not a member paid by the monarchy ». Before an event at the Royal Albert Hall in early 2019, Meghan told Harry that she didn't feel safe staying home alone. And today when she looks at the photos of that night 'what I see is just how tight her knuckles were around mine. We were smiling and doing our job, but we were both just trying to resist ».

Harry will come back to the subject of her in her part of her interview: "I've been in a very dark place too, but I wanted to be there for you." The prince explained that he had not confided in her royal relatives, that he had not asked for help for Meghan because “it is not a conversation that my family would have. I guess I was ashamed to admit it. I don't know if they would have understood, or if they ever had the same thoughts, it is a very suffocating environment, in which many of them are trapped. "And again:" I was shocked by the racial element. It wasn't just about her, but about what he represented about her. ' Harry confessed that he himself felt "trapped" as a real: "I was trapped but I didn't know I was." The meeting with Meghan, he continued, was what allowed him to see a way out.


Meghan does not even touch her softly on this subject: "In the months I was pregnant with my first child, we were told that he would not be entitled to any title, nor guaranteed safety. The royal family told Harry, "We don't know how dark his skin will be." Meghan has recounted her "great sorrow" that officials denied her son the title of prince, and accuses Buckingham Palace of not protecting Archie enough, denying him the 24/7 security apparatus. As for the conversation about Archie's skin color, Meghan declined to reveal which member of the royal family Harry had it with: "I think it would be very bad for them."


The Duchess also talks about the famous "quarrel" with her sister-in-law Kate, which ended up in all the newspapers shortly after the wedding. 'The papers accused me of making my sister-in-law Kate cry. In reality it was the opposite ", Meghan reveals now," A few days before the wedding, she took it out for a problem regarding the clothes of her bridesmaid, her daughter Charlotte of hers. It was I who cried, and she even apologized, sending me flowers and a note. Too bad, though: when that bad story came out, she didn't deny it when she could and should have done it. "


Harry also talked about his current relationship with his father, explaining that during the Megxit Carlo had stopped answering his phone calls. "We only spoke by e-mail, he asked me to put everything in writing." And today? "There is a lot to work on. I feel really disappointed because he went through something like this. He knows how it feels, he knows what pain is. And Archie is his nephew. But at the same time, of course, I will love him forever ». As for his brother, Harry admitted that today their relationship is "on hiatus", that a vacuum has been created between them, but "I love William. He is my brother, we went through hell together ". And here the reference is evident, as often during the river interview.


Diana, Harry's beloved mother, is in her bracelet that Meghan wears on her wrist during the interview and beyond. “We left for lack of support and understanding,” says Harry, “I realized we had to leave because Meghan was too sick. I couldn't allow history to repeat itself, "he added, referring to his beloved mother Diana. And what would she think of all this today, Oprah asked him: "She would be very angry and sad about how it all turned out, but she would like us to be happy." Finally, she confirms that her family has "cut him out financially" and that he lives on what his mother left him and the contracts with Netflix and Spotify.


Two hours of river interview which, as we have said, will go down in history. Like, and perhaps more, than Diana's 1995 BBC interview. And the queen? For her, both Harry and Meghan use only loving and respectful words. "The queen has always been wonderful with me," says Meghan, "I really enjoyed being in her company." While Harry lets it be known that they are hearing about Zoom today, and that "I have always respected her." But no one is naive enough to believe that this is enough.

And now? Harry and Meghan let it be known that they wanted to make their voices heard, tell their version, but that now that they have, "they want to look ahead": "It's our beginning, a miracle, Better than any fairy tale".

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