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Melania Trump gardens in the White House, like Michelle Obama

 Melania Trump gardens in the White House, like Michelle Obama

Melania Trump gardens in the White House, like Michelle Obama

Melania Trump took her first steps in the White House vegetable garden on Friday, an initiative launched by former First Lady Michelle Obama.

A plaid shirt, jeans, sneakers, and red gardening gloves, Donald Trump's wife harvested and planted with a dozen boys and girls aged 11 and 12.

Melania Trump gardens in the White House, like Michelle Obama

Arugula, lettuce, radish, carrots, turnips, spinach: "Thank you for coming to help me with the harvest," she said, encouraging her one-day visitors to this very neat vegetable garden which can be seen by tourists through the gates that close the south lawn of the presidential residence.

Michelle Obama, at the forefront of the fight against childhood obesity, a major public health issue in the United States, had, when she left, left a stone where one can read: "Vegetable garden of the White House, created in 2009 by First Lady Michelle Obama with the hope of fostering a healthier country for our children ”.

In a statement released shortly after her visit, Melania Trump praised the initiative which "allows children to learn, outdoors, how important it is to eat healthy foods while learning about the White House and its rich history. ".

The vegetable garden is the first cultivated at the White House since the "victory garden" planted by Eleanor Roosevelt in 1943.

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