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Trump, a new audio on Ivanka appears: "If it wasn't my daughter ..."

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 Trump, a new audio on Ivanka appears: "If it wasn't my daughter ..."

Trump, a new audio on Ivanka appears: "If it wasn't my daughter ..."

The scandal that has engulfed the Republican candidate for the White House Donald Trump is not subsiding. After the accusations of sexism for a video from a few years ago, an audio appears that would contain incestuous phrases about his favorite daughter, Ivanka, whom he defines "a piece of ..." during a hosted on the Howard Stern radio program.

Donald talked about his he Ivanka, about his passion for young women, about her sex life, about losing his virginity when he was 14 with a very sexy girl. Of her daughter, in particular, he says that she has "more voluptuous than ever" "all natural" breasts.

Trump, a new audio on Ivanka appears: "If it wasn't my daughter ..."

"You know that she is one of the most beautiful women in the world, she is tall, she has a crazy body ... I say that if Ivanka were not my daughter, I would like to go out with her", the words of the billionaire. Then he concludes by saying that he would have no problem having sex with a young girl like her daughter: "I would have no problem. I do not give age limits."

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