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Queen Elizabeth II: why do we celebrate her birthday twice?

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 Queen Elizabeth II: why do we celebrate her birthday twice?

Queen Elizabeth II: why do we celebrate her birthday twice?

Queen Elizabeth is celebrating her 95th birthday on April 21, 2021. Remember that the Queen has 2 birthdays in the year, namely April and June.

On April 21, 2021, Queen Elizabeth II celebrates her 95th birthday. A birthday party that will be unlike any other since it comes just 12 days after the death of her husband, Prince Philip. The constraints related to the pandemic and the period of official mourning are also points to consider. Note that all these constraints have led to the cancellation of many major events.

For the occasion, the members of the royal family would have fine-tuned a special schedule to prevent the queen from being left alone. Moreover, this April 21, 2021 is the real birthday of Queen Elizabeth II. Which is opposed to the second anniversary celebration, in June, commonly known as Trooping of the Color. During this second Saturday in June, members of the Royal Family gather for photos on the balcony of Buckingham Palace. It is also a meeting between the royal family and an enthusiastic crowd embellished by aerial military demonstrations.

"Why two celebrations?"

The tradition of these two birthdays comes directly from King George II who was born in November 1683. As this period is in winter, the weather is also not good at this time of year. Which prevented the king from having a public celebration. This is what motivated him to create a formal second birthday celebration in the summer.

He therefore took advantage of his royal privileges to allow a celebration with his entire kingdom at a time when the weather is milder. Since then, all British sovereignty has benefited from this privilege. Reason why, Queen Elizabeth II has two anniversary dates.

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