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Seven Reasons You'll Never Get Angelina Jolie's Lips

 Seven Reasons You'll Never Get Angelina Jolie's Lips

Seven Reasons You'll Never Get Angelina Jolie's Lips

Thin, fleshy ... The appearance of lips depends on so many things that it would be impossible to count on those of a celebrity. Here are some facts to prove it

Of all the facial aesthetic treatments, one of the most requested and at the same time the one that causes the most controversy is lip augmentation or modification (around 500 euros if it is only a filler and between 1,500 and 4,000 when it involves a surgical operation). We have all said at some time about someone that of "has put lips". Because there are cases that, unfortunately, leave no room for doubt. Others on the contrary are so well made that, with or without suspicion, they are authentic copies of the natural one. This difference between botch and artwork is vital. 

Before undergoing a procedure of this type, you have to know perfectly what you want and also what is feasible and what is not. Because, as Dr. Virtudes Ruiz, president of the Murcian Association of Aesthetic Medicine, warns: "What you haven't had at 20, don't pretend to have at 40 or 50 and make it look natural. Because that's impossible." These are some keys to avoid being disappointed.

1. Your lips have their own shape

Large, small, thick-lipped or thin-lipped mouths. It is what nature has given you and, although they can be improved aesthetically, what is very different from our own oral architecture is going to be noticed without a doubt. So first tip: be realistic in your expectations. As Dr. Ruiz says: "We can never have someone else's mouth, because we always have to work in that area with what we have as a base."

2. The skeleton rules

It's not just about the makeup of the lips. The shape of our mouth is also given by its depths. Our bone structure is a fundamental factor. There are many characteristics of our bones (difficult to change) that determine the shape of our lips, such as a prominent jaw, cleft, etc. In addition, Dr. Ruiz explains that age or diseases such as osteoporosis can also affect the shape of our jaw and, therefore, that of our lips.

3. Key: the relationship with the whole

A glass of champagne looks natural for a wedding toast, but it's a bit out of place at a Metallica concert. Something similar happens with the lips. We may want the fantastic mouth of that beautiful actress, but how well it fits us will depend on the angle that our upper lip forms with the nose, the lower lip with the chin or the alignment of its corners with our eyes. As a guide, explains Dr. Xavier Busquier Marco, from the Instituto Clínico Estético de Barcelona, ​​the length of the closed and relaxed mouth should be equal to the internal distance between the irises.

4. Teeth have a lot to say

Another very important factor that determines the shape of the outside of our mouth is what is inside it, the teeth. The teeth are what the lips rest on and their shape or absence will largely determine their appearance. There is little we can do to modify them, so we will have to act accordingly, although perhaps the most stubborn may consider spending a few years with braces.

5. The relationship between both lips must be adequate

As Dr. Busquier explains, by way of reference "the lower lip should be twice as large as the upper lip." If, for example, you were unlucky enough that to comply with this rule you had to enlarge your lower lip four times its size, the intervention would end with poor aesthetic results, that's for sure. Therefore, you must be careful when choosing both the enlargement treatment and the doctor.

6. Current fillings have their limitations

As Dr. Antonio de la Fuente, head of the Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery Service at the Hospital Nuestra Señora del Rosario in Madrid and director of Clínica de la Fuente, warns: "No silicone or polymers derived from it. They will only cause short or long medium term granulomas (more or less large lumpy tumors on the skin), stiffness and swelling, which will give the face an appearance far from the naturalness sought ". These types of substances are usually prohibited, but there are those who still dare to use them, with disastrous consequences for both health and aesthetics. One option that we do have at our disposal, with proven efficacy and safety, is hyaluronic acid, which is used for outlining, not for filling. For the latter, a technique called lipofilling can be used, which is a transfer of fat from the patient himself to the lips from another area of ​​his body. The effect is more natural, although the body reabsorbs fat over time.

7. Where there is no one can not get

Finally, we are faced with technical limitations, things that cannot be done today and among which the enlargement of the mouth stands out (because it is among the most requested). As Dr. Ruiz explains, "the corners are difficult to change and only their height can be modified. In no case can their angle or size be transformed."

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