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Stormy Daniels case: Donald Trump reimbursed $ 130,000 to his lawyer

 Stormy Daniels case: Donald Trump reimbursed $ 130,000 to his lawyer

Stormy Daniels case: Donald Trump reimbursed $ 130,000 to his lawyer

Donald Trump reimbursed his lawyer for the $ 130,000 paid to porn actress Stormy Daniels in exchange for his silence, revealed former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani, now a member of the president's legal team American.

The US president reimbursed his lawyer Michael Cohen the $ 130,000 paid to Stormy Daniels in exchange for the silence of the porn actress who claims to have had an affair with Donald Trump. This was affirmed, Wednesday, May 2, Rudy Giuliani, former mayor of New York, recently recruited in the team of lawyers of the president. "The president paid him back over a period of several months," said Rudy Giuliani on Fox News.

This statement contradicts the assertions of Donald Trump. If he had recognized last week that his lawyer Michael Cohen represented him in the dispute against Stormy Daniels, the US president had previously assured that he was not aware of the payment made by Michael Cohen to the film actress pornographic.

Conservative TV presenter Sean Hannity Rudy Giuliani said the payment would turn out to be "perfectly legal" and the money "was not campaign money."

In an interview with the Wall Street Journal, the former mayor of New York also said that Donald Trump "was probably not aware" at the time the payment was made by Michael Cohen, given the latter's concern. to "solve this in a discreet way".

Michael Cohen had paid Stormy Daniels $ 130,000 shortly before the 2016 presidential election, in exchange for his silence.

"We predicted months ago that it would be proven that the American people were deceived about the payment of the 130,000 dollars and about what Mr. Trump knew, when he knew it", reacted on Twitter, Michael Avenatti , Stormy Daniels' lawyer. "Every American, no matter what their political views, should be outraged," he thundered.

The actress, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, seeks to have a confidentiality agreement between her and Michael Cohen, the personal lawyer for the President of the United States, to be overturned by justice to ensure her silence on her relationship with Donald Trump.

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

on April 5, asked to say by journalists, if he was aware of the payment made to Stormy Daniels, Donald Trump replied: "No". And when asked why Michael Cohen made this payment, the US president had

says, "You're going to have to ask Michael Cohen the question. Michael is my lawyer. Ask Michael."

Michael Cohen said a few months ago that he had not been reimbursed by Donald Trump.

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