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Trump reveals private conversation with Queen of England

 Trump reveals private conversation with Queen of England

Trump reveals private conversation with Queen of England

Donald Trump does not care about protocol: in an interview with a British newspaper, he referred to his discussion with the Queen about Brexit. A new odd.

In the United Kingdom, this is not done: the words exchanged with Queen Elizabeth II must remain private. Even more so when it comes to a political discussion, as the British sovereign is supposed to remain neutral and not interfere in the affairs of the kingdom.

But once again, US President Donald Trump broke protocol. In an interview with commentator Piers Morgan for the ITV channel, taken up this Sunday by the daily Mail on Sunday, he recounts his meeting with the queen. The interview took place on Friday, when the Trump couple went to Windsor for tea.

On Brexit, says Trump, “she said, and she's right, it's a very complex issue, I think nobody imagined how complicated it was going to be. Everyone thought it was going to be "Oh, it's simple, we either integrate or not, let's see what happens."

"She's an incredible woman"

"Did she give you a clue as to what she thought about it?" »Asks the commentator. "I can't speak," Trump replies, closing himself off. “Let me say what I can say,” he continues enthusiastically. She's an incredible woman, she's so strong, so beautiful, when I say beautiful it's inside and out. "

During this interview, Donald Trump also explains that he allowed himself to advise Prime Minister Theresa May on Brexit: “I told him: 'Make sure you get a waiver so that, whatever it happens, you have the right to make an agreement with the United States "".

This deviation from the protocol adds to a long list of odds. During his visit to Queen Elisabeth II, the tenant of the White House seemed to multiply the hiccups. Many Britons saw it as flippancy and a lack of elegance towards their popular queen.

She first had to wait more than 10 minutes, standing, before receiving the presidential couple, who in addition would not have greeted her as required by the protocol. Then, when it came time to review the Royal Guard, Donald Trump looked lost, even arrogant.

She first had to wait more than 10 minutes, standing, before receiving the presidential couple, who in addition would not have greeted her as required by the protocol. Then, when it came time to review the Royal Guard, Donald Trump looked lost, even arrogant.

Donald Trump arrives in Windsor

If the British press is so uplifted, it may also be because Donald Trump had previously attacked Theresa May in an inflammatory interview with the Sun. He had criticized his handling of Brexit and threatened the leader: a watered-down Brexit could jeopardize a possible free trade agreement with the United States.

After Brussels for the NATO summit on Wednesday, London for a meeting with Theresa May on Thursday and Friday, Donald Trump is currently resting in one of his hotels in Scotland. On Monday, he will fly to Helsinki, Finland for a mini-summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

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