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Trump, special greetings at Easter: "Even to the crazy leftists who rigged the elections"

 Trump, special greetings at Easter: "Even to the crazy leftists who rigged the elections"

Trump, special greetings at Easter: "Even to the crazy leftists who rigged the elections"

Easter greetings to everyone, but with some special dedication. This was done by the former president of the United States, Donald Trump. In a statement, the former American president wished everyone a happy Easter, "even to the crazy radicals on the left who have falsified our presidential elections and want to destroy our country". In short, when you say a special wish.

Shortly before the holidays, on Saturday 3 April, the former US president had launched an appeal for a boycott of Major League Baseball (Mlb), which had publicly sided against the new electoral law in Georgia. His speech, the American media reported, had come after the Mlb had decided in protest not to organize the eagerly awaited All Star Game sporting event in Atlanta, scheduled for 13 July. "Baseball is already losing a lot of fans and now they are leaving Atlanta with their All Star Games because they are afraid of left-wing radical Democrats," Trump said in a statement released by Save America, an election fundraising committee. "Boycott baseball and all companies that interfere with Free and Fair Elections. You are listening to Coke, Delta and all the others!", Continued Trump, referring to large companies that have criticized the electoral law.

In short, the 2020 election remains a hot topic on Trump's political agenda. Many public figures, starting with US President Joe Biden, have taken sides against Georgia's new electoral law which limits remote voting and requires the use of identification documents. All measures, the Democrats argue, designed to limit the vote of African Americans, who in the presidential elections in November allowed Biden to win in this state. Trump never accepted that he had lost in Georgia, claiming that it was due to fraud, but this has not been proven.

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