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Emma Stone, before La La Land, she already had everything a great ...

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 Emma Stone, before La La Land, she already had everything a great ...

Emma Stone, before La La Land, she already had everything a great ...

The girl next door, named Best Actress at the Oscars with La La Land, is emancipated. But Emma Stone was already a great actress before she said yes to this musical film. Moreover, Monday April 3, on France O, you can see one of his most beautiful scores, La Couleur des sentiments, at 11:05 pm.

It is the expert Woody Allen who affirms it, after having directed it in Magic in the Moonlight and The Irrational Man: "Emma has many of the qualities of Diane Keaton, who could as well make The Godfather than to turn in comedies, singing and dancing. She has the makings of a big star. " Star, it is question in the life of Emma Stone who, for a long time, had to believe in her own. Growing up in an Arizona lodge, surrounded by a garden populated with rattlesnakes, and having been the prey, very early, of panic attacks, perhaps accelerated his vocation and the desire to see other horizons. Comedy attracts him, but how can he reassure his parents? 

By showing them on her computer a PowerPoint titled Project Hollywood and scrolling down the list of actresses who debuted at her age - 15! In the process, in 2004, the one who is still called Emily Stone leaves to settle, with her mother, in Los Angeles. His big eyes, his hoarse voice are initially crippling. "Teenager," she said, "I already had that raspy intonation. And the casting directors didn't know what to do with me."

Yet it is this particularity that made her notice, in 2007, on the big screen in Super-grave where, showing the first name Emma, ​​she capsized Jonah Hillsous the features of the dream lover / best friend. From this moment, we guess that the pretty blonde turning redhead can play everything: the sexy-nice and funny girl in Crazy, Stupid, Love, where she has, since 2011, for partner Ryan Gosling; the politically involved writer of The Color of Sentiments; the heroine of Spider-Man, in 2012, on the arm of Andrew Garfield, who will be her companion in life; the star daughter in rehab in Birdman. A faultless. Until her apprentice actress from La L a Land.

 Like a return to basics with the evocation of first auditions? "It was quite cathartic, revealed the actress, in January, in Grazia. I wanted us to feel that there is in our careers as much talent as disillusionment." Little chance, however, of seeing Emma fail in the next few years. The 28-year-old girl next door is really not the "girl next door" ...

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