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Taylor Swift's guitar teacher uncovers her big lie

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 Taylor Swift's guitar teacher uncovers her big lie

Taylor Swift's guitar teacher uncovers her big lie

Little by little we are getting to know Taylor Swift better, and it seems that he is not the little lamb that we all believed. If Katy Perry uncovered that the prudish blonde robbed dancers vilely for her tour, then we find out how she hates Spotify and everyone who uses it, now we find out that the "I learned to play guitar by myself" cartoon is more false than your smile.

According to a man who calls himself "Taylor's guitar teacher", he tells how the artist's team of managers decided to tell that she had learned to play alone, when reality is quite different. This man taught Taylor to play the guitar six hours a day for weeks, while her crazy mother paid him. She demanded impossible schedules from him, and if she didn't follow them, her mother would go crazy.

It also tells another curious story: Taylor's brother is a little overweight, and on one occasion he proposed to go to dinner at Taco Bell, to which Taylor agreed, but his mother would not allow him when she told him that "nobody wants to see him. a fat pop star. " Tell Meghan Trainor, she's going to have a spectacular first week of sales.

Finally, he says that although Taylor is talented, her mother has treated her like a contestant in a children's beauty pageant, much like 'Little Miss Sunshine'.

She does not surprise us that she has gone out like this, with a boyfriend every week and always singing about the same thing. She will always have her spectacular new single, 'Style'.

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