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1. Her name is Taylor Alison Swift and she was born on December 13, 1989 in Reading (USA). Her parents were inspired by James Taylor to name him after her ...

2. Before hitting the music scene, Taylor worked on her family's farm, tending Christmas trees (or isn't she a big fan of walking around with a pink watering can, making them grow healthy, strong, and pastel? ).

3. Her maternal grandmother, Marjorie Finlay, was an opera singer and had a television show in, uh, Puerto Rico.

4. Perhaps because of her grandmother's Latin love, one of Taylor's dreams is to speak fluent Spanish. In fact, she recently confessed in an interview in Australia that if she had a button to get what she wanted, she would ask to speak perfectly Spanish and French.

5. She did not drink alcohol until she was 21 (minimum age to consume it legally in the United States) but, yes, from that moment on, every time she gets drunk she ends up crying and talking about Joni Mitchell. Moral: keep the bottles away from her, we don't want any more drama from her.

6. She was the youngest artist to win a Grammy Award for Best Album of the Year. It was in 2010, when she was 20 years old and promoting her album Fearless.

7. And a classic, the "before". Taylor, in her case, could have worked at the Stock Exchange, like her father. Luckily for many, she preferred to indulge in music ...

8. In addition to singing and moving her mile-long legs the length and breadth of each stage, Taylor plays four instruments: guitar, banjo, ukulele, and piano. She also, she is the composer of all of her songs (in fact, the first of her was written when she was only 12 years old).

9. And the vast majority of them talk about her ex, yes, but is it really sooo bad ?! Let the girl write what she wants! Of course, we can be calm because Swift now goes from boyfriends, love affairs and bullshit: since she left him with Harry Styles (you know, that cute boy from One Direction) about a year and a half ago, she has not gone out with nobody, so the songs on his new album are much less "oh what a pity I'm dying of how much I love you", and much more "I'm fine like this and now." Wow, Taylor has gotten older, and that's always good news for humanity.

10. In this process of growth, she has learned to use the hair straighteners WELL, and this is a point that we could not avoid addressing, because the change is SUBSTANTIAL. We will explain it graphically, in case this does not convince you too much:

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