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Donald Trump, a president obsessed with ... his hair

Donald Trump, a president obsessed with ... his hair

Donald Trump, a president obsessed with ... his hair

Donald Trump joked that he didn't lose his hair thanks to McDonald's fries. In the aftermath of a historic and acrimonious presidential debate, this tweet is surprising. However, it is part of a long series of comments from the billionaire, very attentive to his hairstyle.

Donald Trump is an avid fast-food consumer - and McDonald's in particular. The American president, who appreciates McDonald's in particular because he believes that it is less likely to be poisoned with burgers prepared in advance and allocated according to orders, joked on the subject Wednesday on Twitter. Referring to a 2018 article that "Scientific study shows chemicals in McDonald's fries could be a cure for baldness," he wrote: "No wonder I haven't lost my hair!"

If the tweet is surprising, especially the day after his first presidential debate against Joe Biden, during which substantive issues were ignored in favor of interruptions and invective, it reflects a real subject in the eyes of Donald Trump. As revealed this summer "The Atlantic", it is to prevent his hair from being "tousled" that Donald Trump had canceled his visit to the American cemetery of Bois Belleau, where lie hundreds of American soldiers killed in action during World War I. The White House had at the time justified the absence by a complicated weather forecast which would have prevented going to the Aisne by helicopter, a way of countering the heated controversy caused by this decision, considered as an offense to these soldiers killed at the front. It was only a few weeks ago that “The Atlantic” revealed that the President had further called them “losers”.

"I'm trying as best I can to cover this area of ​​baldness, folks"

Donald Trump's hairstyle is one of his most striking features, represented both in merchandise to his glory and in caricatures aimed at making fun of him. This almost orange-blonde brushed lock, which he adopted in the 1970s without ever abandoning it, cost more than $ 70,000 in maintenance during the years of filming "The Apprentice", according to the revelations of " New York Times ”on his tax returns. Amounts that Donald Trump had considered as professional expenses, allowing him to claim a tax exemption.

Donald Trump, a president obsessed with ... his hair

He brought up this particular hairstyle in 2018, during a conservative rally. "What a beautiful picture, I love watching this guy talk," he said, referring to the giant screens showing his speech. He had then made a turn on himself, before admiring his hairstyle, joking with the public: "I try as I can to cover this area of ​​baldness, friends. I work hard at it. It's not so bad. Hey, we're hanging on, we're hanging on, we're all hanging on together, right? " A video released a few months earlier showed how the arrangement of his locks concealed areas of hair loss, exposed by a squall as he boarded the Air Force One plane.

In 2018, the book "Fire and Fury" by Michael Wolff unveiled behind the scenes, sometimes with little verified information, of the White House ... but also some hair indiscretions. Ivanka Trump is said to have told a relative that her father had undergone scalp surgery to remove the parts that have lost the most hair, to keep only the most hairy. As for the very particular color, the daughter of the American president would also have given the secret: "It's a product called Just for Men [Just for men, Ed]: the longer it is applied, the more it is dark. His impatience gave Trump his orange-blonde color, ”the author said.

A hand passed through the hair ... and a bad buzz for a host

From the launch of his campaign in 2015, Donald Trump had promoted his hair: “Maybe they don't like my hair, which is real, by the way. Look at this, ”he had said, running his hand through his hair. He had even brought a woman on stage to prove it: "They are fine, but true", she had confirmed. The naturalness of his hair is a sensitive subject for the president: in September 2016, he proposed to Jimmy Fallon to run his hand through his hair to prove it. What the late-show host was quick to do, in front of a hilarious audience.

The host, however, regretted his gesture: his interview in a light even complacent tone had been strongly criticized by his fans and his competitors, believing that he had contributed to give a sympathetic image to the one who had been elected a few weeks later. "I am sorry. I don't want to make anyone angry, I never do and I never will. But that's all the fun of the show. I made a mistake. I'm sorry I made everyone angry. And, with hindsight, I would do otherwise, ”he told the“ Hollywood Reporter ”two years later. “It was really a time out,” he had defended himself.

Donald Trump had not appreciated the presenter's regrets: "@jimmyfallon is now complaining to everyone that he did the famous 'hair show' with me (where he really messed my hair up), and that he would have done it differently because it was said that it had "humanized" me - he takes it for his rank. He called me and said "monstrous audiences". Be a Jimmy man! ”He tweeted in 2018.

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