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Experts reveal what Princess Diana would look like, if she had lived until today

 Experts reveal what Princess Diana would look like, if she had lived until today

Experts reveal what Princess Diana would look like, if she had lived until today

It's a mystery what Princess Diana would look like if she hadn't died in this fatal accident. Today, the "People's Princess" would have celebrated her 57th birthday this year.

It has been over 20 years since Diana de Gales left this world, but she is still present in the hearts of her family and the world, according to news portal TV y Notas.

She is remembered at every moment, especially at every step and in the fulfillment of her children, who are already married men. Even Diana would already be a grandmother and, without a doubt, she would enjoy this beautiful scene with her outgoing grandchildren.

His legacy was unforgettable. But, more than one is curious about what Princess Diana would look like physically if she were alive.

Therefore, the experts of the company Phojoe made a portrait, which was shown in the program "Al rojo vivo".

In the portrait they have kept intact the streamlined and perfect features that the Princess of Wales had, but they have placed some aging details, typical of their age.

Despite the wrinkles, she will always be a beautiful and elegant woman. However, this was not the perception of the followers of María Celeste, who shared the image on her Twitter account.

Many have assured that Lady Di will have a more cautious and youthful face and will continue to be an icon of beauty, elegance and style.

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