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King Charles must deal with ‘Prince Harry of loose cannons’ quickly to protect the monarchy

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 King Charles must deal with ‘Prince Harry of loose cannons’ quickly to protect the monarchy

King Charles must deal with ‘Prince Harry of loose cannons’ quickly to protect the monarchy

Royal commentator Jonathan Sacerdoti argued that when Prince Charles becomes king, he will have to deal with his son, Prince Harry, and her snatches from him sensitively. During an interview with Express.co.uk, Sacerdoti nicknamed Prince Harry a "loose cannon" due to his consistency in attacking the institution of the Royal Family and its members. He added that it will probably be a frustrating topic for King Charles, as he may not be able to be as direct and frank with his son about repairing his relationship.

Sacerdoti said: "I think Prince Charles is in an exceptionally difficult position in terms of family relations with Prince Harry."

"That is because he will be the next King."

Sacerdoti highlighted some of the problems that Prince Charles will have to face as king.

He said: “When the succession places him on the throne, he will not only have to deal with family dynamics, but also constantly consider what that looks like for the nation and the world.

“I think if Prince Harry is proving to be some kind of a loose cannon in terms of speaking out and criticizing the Royal Family, then Prince Charles will have to be careful about how he reacts.

“I think he must be very frustrating for someone because on a purely human and family level, he might want to reach out and make amends.

"He may want to rebuild the relationship with his children, but when he knows there is something more important at stake, he must be very careful in doing that."

Despite these concerns, Sacerdoti also praised the Royal Family for being able to overcome any issues they face.

He noted that the Queen and the monarchy, as an entity, have become very good at dealing with these challenges, including those caused by the Duke of Sussex.

“The Royal Family has to constantly adapt to the modern world.

“Part of that modern world are the members of one's own family, each generation brings new challenges.

“I think the fact that we have them as heads of Great Britain, this aristocratic family, they have no real power, but they are the family at the head of the country with the Queen as head of state.

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