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The hidden meaning of Prince Harry's curious gesture (and his body language towards Meghan)

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 The hidden meaning of Prince Harry's curious gesture (and his body language towards Meghan)

The hidden meaning of Prince Harry's curious gesture (and his body language towards Meghan)

There is a feature that generated particular attention in the photos of the engagement of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle - and no, it is not the engagement ring - but the gesture that the prince made ...

What does the prince want to tell us?

The hidden meaning of Prince Harry's curious gesture (and his body language towards Meghan)

In case you haven't noticed before, Harry usually places his hand inside his suit jacket, leaving the thumb or some fingers of his hand outside. The reason?

Those aware of this curious gesture have set out to analyze it. Body language expert Traci Brown argues that Harry's behavior may be a combination of a bad habit and something deeper:

"He is covering his solar plexus area (vital organs) and protecting it, which simply reveals that he does not feel comfortable in the situation," says the expert.

The hidden meaning of Prince Harry's curious gesture (and his body language towards Meghan)

For Blanca Cobb, another body language expert, the gesture is Harry's way of raising his guard in public situations:

“Prince Harry's arm across his abdomen serves as a barrier to separate or distance himself from something that makes him feel uncomfortable. In this case, it could be taking photos.

Experts have also noted that when Harry is not in protection mode, he is seen tugging at his jacket. For Brown, when people pull on his jacket, it is usually a sign of discomfort and stress. It is a behavior equivalent to biting your nails or touching your hair.

"At this point, Prince Harry is unconsciously reassuring himself of perceived anxiety or stress," says Cobb.

The language of love

The hidden meaning of Prince Harry's curious gesture (and his body language towards Meghan)

Following the engagement announcement, experts also analyzed language between the couple during their first official public appearance in Nottingham, England, for World AIDS Day.

According to what has been analyzed by the experts, Meghan seems the most dominant member in the relationship, since she usually takes Harry's hand and guides him.

The hidden meaning of Prince Harry's curious gesture (and his body language towards Meghan)

The couple shows their affection and they are always close and in touch, which shows that they genuinely love each other. Experts also noted that the couple often protect each other by the way they stretch their arms and wait for each other.

During the first outing, there were also smiles, which shows that they are really happy to be together. Meghan usually has both of her hands on Harry, one on her hand and one on her elbow, which shows the intimate connection they have.

The hidden meaning of Prince Harry's curious gesture (and his body language towards Meghan)

For the experts, Prince Harry most likely does not realize what he is doing when he makes that gesture with his hand and that it represents a response to the high level of attention and exposure that is clearly not easy for this member to handle. of the royal family.

And when it comes to relationship, their body language seems to show that they really are made for each other. What do you think?

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