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Prince Charles "deeply hurt": Harry opened his heart

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Prince Charles "deeply hurt": Harry opened his heart

Prince Charles "deeply hurt": Harry opened his heart

According to a Daily Mirror source, Harry wrote a letter to his father, Prince Charles, to "try to clear things up" shortly before Prince Philip's funeral.

Through this return to the country, begins for Prince Harry a long work of reconciliation with his family. Present at the funeral of Prince Philip, organized on April 17, the Duke of Sussex must now face the consequences of his actions. Because he and his wife, Meghan Markle, gave an explosive interview to Oprah Winfrey in March, which did not fail to shock the British monarchy. Accusing the Firm of racism, the couple also unveiled some gloomy backstage of the institution. An attitude that Prince William can hardly forgive, just like his father, Prince Charles. The latter has indeed been the subject of heavy criticism from his youngest son.

Now sawtooth, the relationship between Charles and Harry would have taken a new turn. The Duke of Sussex would indeed have tried to reconnect with his father by writing him a missive just before returning to the United Kingdom. As revealed by a source from the Daily Mirror, the young man would have sent him a note "very personal to try to put things in the clear". "But tensions are still high and things have not gone exactly as he hoped," added that same indiscreet voice. Indeed, the Prince of Wales would indeed remain "deeply hurt" by the attitude of his son, who still wanted to organize his interview with Oprah Winfrey, while his grandfather, Prince Philip, was hospitalized.

A resentment also present in Prince William

This resentment is also present in Prince William. Although he was seen speaking to his brother during Prince Philip's funeral, the Duke of Cambridge is said to continue to have an "extremely frosty" relationship with Harry. In addition to the attack on Kate Middleton that he did not digest, the future king was annoyed by other words from his brother. During his interview with Oprah Winfrey, the latter indeed said that William and Charles were "trapped" in their role as heir to the throne. Statement that the main stakeholders did not appreciate.

Despite the tensions, Prince Charles would have hoped to see his son, still in quarantine, after the funeral. A wish that could come true. Because Prince Harry could extend his stay to celebrate the 95th birthday of his grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II. A gesture all the more symbolic in these troubled times.

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