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The Most Scandalous Kate Middleton Photos Of All Time..

 The  Most Scandalous Kate Middleton Photos Of All Time..

The  Most Scandalous Kate Middleton Photos Of All Time..

Most scandalous Kate Middleton photos – If you think the Kardashian family is covered too highly by the media, just consider how much media interest the Royal family garners. The family truly can’t seem to get one moment of peace from paparazzi and reporters.

This is especially true for the younger Royals who are now the most likely to get themselves into compromising situations. We might all agree that Prince Harry takes the cake on the Royal most like to act up, but comically enough, Kate Middleton isn’t too far behind her brother-in-law.

The tabloids around the world have been interested in Middleton ever since she began dating Prince William during their college years. Sure, they broke up for a bit, but this didn’t stop paparazzi from following her any and everywhere she went. You can only imagine how many times over the years that they’ve been successful in catching the Dutchess of Cambridge completely off guard. Some of the photos they’ve taken of her blatantly crossing the privacy line, but others have happened during very public appearances. For instance, Middleton is almost known now for having her dresses blow up in public — and the paps have been right there to catch it consistently, no matter the worldwide location of the mishap. This leads to the broader public becoming ultra-familiar with Middleton’s rear end. And, due to some privacy breaches, the public has pretty much seen a fully naked Middleton. We can only imagine what the Queen must have to say about these instances.

Here are 12 of the most scandalous Kate Middleton photos of all time.

12. When Paparazzi Caught A Very Drunken Kate

The  Most Scandalous Kate Middleton Photos Of All Time..

We can’t all be proper at every moment, and a young Middleton knows this to be true. Since she andPrince William began dating at such a young age, of course there was going to be an extent of partying involved in her life. It was college, after all. When the two broke up for a while, Middleton was known to be out on the town with her girlfriends. But, even though she and the Prince were no longer dating, it didn’t stop the paparazzi from keeping an eye on her every move. We can presume this interest came from the possibility the two would rekindle (good call on their part!) their romance. Anyway, tabloids printed a photo of Middleton looking extremely drunk and out of it while in the back seat of a car. At the time, the Royal Palace had no place to comment on it.

11. When She Flashed The Camera Exiting A Car

Getting out of a vehicle with a short dress on is a feat all its own, and Middleton certainly knows a thing or two about this. On many occasions, Middleton has showed off her womanly assets when paparazzi have caught her flashing the camera while exiting cars. It seems the cameras are always there and more than ready to snap away at the moment she’s lifting a leg to step out. Even before she officially became royalty, the paps loved nothing more than catching her off-guard and in a less than proper situation. That said, there have been many, many times when cameras have been given an unintentional peak at the Royal goods. Luckily (and unluckily), the media tend to move on from these tiny slip-ups pretty quickly. Likely they’re just looking for the next compromising photo of Middleton to move on to.

10. When She Wore Next-To-Nothing At A Fashion Show

The  Most Scandalous Kate Middleton Photos Of All Time..

In 2002, Middleton was simply a student in college, and not even considering the fact that she could some day be in the position she’s in now. That said, she likely didn’t think twice about the dress (or is it more like lingerie?) she was asked to pose in at her school’s fashion show. The garment was see-through, minus the small bandeau and underwear underneath. There were cameras seemingly everywhere for the event, as documented through the endless photos that resulted. Sadly for Middleton, the photos ceased to disappear over the years. They’ve ever been a major plot point of certain movie biographies on Middleton and Prince William. How could this young lady have ever known she would be so scrutinized for participating in a school event, and for being young, wild and free? After all, she wasn’t even close to being royalty yet!

9. When Paps Caught Her Dress Blowing Up Part 1

Now that she’s royalty, some might assume Middleton would opt for longer dresses when she’s making public appearances. This is not the case, however. It seems Middleton has a thing for shorter garments. Her shorter dresses have been prone to blowing up on multiple occasions, especially given her clothes are often light and breezy. But, one wrong breeze and Middleton and her private parts are sprawled all over the tabloids. It seems to be an ongoing saga between Middleton and the wind — one that might not be over any time soon. One memorable instance of this was when she and her husband had an official visit to Canada in July 2011. As they were about to board a plane, paps caught photos at just the right time. The wind had blown up Kate’s skirt, exposing her Royal bum. At least she was able to show off her toned legs in the process.

8. When Paps Caught Her Dress Blowing Up Part 2

The  Most Scandalous Kate Middleton Photos Of All Time..

Yet again, Middleton’s taste in short dresses played against her when Germany’s Bild Magazine ran a picture of her bare butt in May 2014 after her dress had blown up during Middleton and Prince William’s tour of Australia. It looked like the couple was walking away from the paparazzi when the wind once again took over, leaving the perfect photo op from the paps behind her. The most scandalous part was that it didn’t appear she was wearing any underwear (or if so, they were apparently very tiny). Many called Bild’s decision to run the photos a breach of privacy, but it didn’t cause the mag to back down. Along with the picture of Middleton, they also ran photos Khloe’s and Kim Kardashian’s butt. They captioned the trio of bums as “Khloe, Kim and Kate — butts which have moved us these past few days.”

7. When Paps Caught Her Dress Blowing Up Part 3

The  Most Scandalous Kate Middleton Photos Of All Time..

There are so many more instances of Middleton’s exposed rear, but for this article’s purposes, we’ll end on this one. The photo was taken by paparazzi who were waiting as the Royal couple and Prince George exited a plane in Australia. At the exact moment they were climbing down the plane stairs, a gust of wind blew up Middleton’s dress yet again. The best part about this wardrobe malfunction is how completely polished and proper her look here appears to be otherwise. It might have taken a while to decide on that perfect, princess-ready outfit, but sadly one gust of wind and… oh boy! It seemed Middleton quickly stopped the dress from flying up any further, but onlookers reported she looked nothing short of shocked. One would think after so many mishaps with dresses, the element of shock would cease to exist.

6. When Kate Wore The Wrong Clothes To A Special Dinner

The  Most Scandalous Kate Middleton Photos Of All Time..

In 2012, as part of their Diamond Jubilee tour of the Far East and South Pacific, Prince William and his bride made a special stop in the Solomon Islands. Unfortunately, Middleton wore the wrong dress (gasp!). Who could have known something like this could have made such a huge splash, but with the Royal couple, of course it did. The controversy began when the duo was invited to attend an official dinner to celebrate the nation’s culture. Before their arrival, it was decided that Prince William would wear a traditional shirt made by Solomon Island tailors, and Middleton would wear her own garment that was specifically packed for her, and supposedly created by a local designer to the Solomon Islands. Except, somehow someone had mixed up the outfits, and soon Middleton was wearing a traditional garment from the Cook Islands (located 3,000 miles away) to the dinner. Who cares? Well, apparently a lot of people, because everyone was offended in one way or another, and tabloids were running tons of pictures of the mishap.

5. When Tabloids Caught A Bikini-Clad & Pregnant Kate

The  Most Scandalous Kate Middleton Photos Of All Time..

Every fan of the Royal family was rooting for Middleton to get pregnant once she and Prince William officially wed, so when they officially announced she was pregnant with the soon-to-be Prince George, the tabloids went into a tizzy. Publications around the world were hot to be the first to publish some good pictures of a pregnant Kate. And, alas — it happened. The photos caught the Royal couple — along with Middleton’s sister, Pippa — on a beach in the Caribbean island of Mustique, where Middleton was wearing a blue bikini. Something else she was showing off? A bit of what appeared to be a baby bump. She was about four months pregnant at that time. The Royal Palace was infuriated when they learned tabloids had come in contact with the photos, claiming photographers were invading the privacy of the Royal couple. It didn’t stop pictures from running though, and an aggravated aide to the Royals noting, “This is unfortunate. They get absolutely no privacy whatsoever.”

4. When Will, Kate & Prince George Posed Naked In A Bathtub

The  Most Scandalous Kate Middleton Photos Of All Time..

If this seems almost too absurd to be true… it’s probably because it is. But, it didn’t stop many, many people from believing it. The photo spreading around the world showed what appeared to be Prince William, Kate and Prince George together and covered by only bubbles in a bathtub. In reality, while many people believed it was actually them, the people in the photo were lookalikes. The photos were done by artist Alison Jackson, who has done other celebrity lookalike photo shoots — including Kanye and Kim Kardashian West. There were a bunch of photos she’d taken with the Royal couple lookalikes, including one with a faux Queen Elizabeth. But, the bathtub one was the picture that caused the biggest flurry of confusion. Luckily for inquiring fans (and for the Royal couple, as well!) it wasn’t long before people found out the photos were fake.

3. When Kate Was Getting Thinner & Thinner

The  Most Scandalous Kate Middleton Photos Of All Time..

Kate Middleton has always been particularly thin, but after she and Prince William were married it appeared she was shrinking smaller and smaller. Tabloids began running seemingly endless photos of her teeny body, many claiming she was anorexic. “Wasting away,” “far too thin,” and “eating disorder” were just some of the terms thrown around. Then, after she gained some pregnancy weight the tabloids calmed down on this front, focusing instead on all things baby. After she gave birth, her weight quickly diminished yet again, causing another round of negative coverage. Sadly, it seems no matter what Middleton does, she just can’t win. We can be pretty certain if she gained a pound the media would be on her case for getting too fat. Yet another downside to being royalty. Thank goodness for all of those other insanely awesome perks, though.

2. When She Exposed Her Butt While Sunbathing

The  Most Scandalous Kate Middleton Photos Of All Time..

Unfortunately for Middleton, she can’t go anywhere at all without being followed, and this includes her private vacations. While on holiday with her husband, she was sunbathing on a private balcony. When she turned her back away, paparazzi caught her naked butt on film. What’s more, they also caught her husband rubbing said naked butt out on the balcony as well. The images were originally published in the French magazine Closer, but also quickly spread to Dutch magazine Se og Hør. When asked if they feared legal action from releasing the images, the mag’s editor said, “It’s a set of unique photos from an A-class celebrity. We are a leading gossip magazine in Denmark, and it is my job to publish them. If the British royal family wants to sue us, then it will happen then and we’ll deal with it… Our readers love to follow the lives of royalty and celebrities, and demand revealing news, up close.”

1. When She Was Caught Sunbathing Topless

The  Most Scandalous Kate Middleton Photos Of All Time..

Her most infamous of scandalous photos were released in 2012, while Middleton was sunbathing on that very same trip to Provence where they stayed at a chateau owned by the Queen’s nephew, Lord Linley. She removed her top, and a French magazine Closer caught the image with a long lens camera, and splattered the photos all across their cover. The topless photos then spread like wildfire.

As could be expected, reps for the Royal Palace quickly came to her defense, claiming invasion of privacy. They released the following statement: We certainly feel a red line’s been crossed…Their Royal Highnesses have been hugely saddened to learn that a French publication and a photographer have invaded their privacy in such a grotesque and totally unjustifiable manner.”

How did the ordeal officially end? The photographer who took the photos and the editor of Closer were both charged, and it was ruled that the photos could never be published or sold again. Unfortunately for the Royals, the Internet is a place of little couth, so the uncensored photos can be seen by plenty of people simply through a Google search.

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