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The Pope, Trump and Melania who continues do not give him his hand

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The Pope, Trump and Melania who continues do not give him his hand

The Pope, Trump and Melania who continues do not give him his hand

After driving her out to Israel, he also rejects her when he gets off the plane in Rome. Melania really doesn't seem to want to shake hands with her husband. The meeting with Pope Francis was cordial.

If the proverb of there is no two without three is true, a new no from Melania is to be expected: her husband's hand does not want it. The first major refusal had arrived, evident and recorded on the cameras, during the visit to Israel. The Donald had held out his hand to take his wife's. In this case, the First Lady moved her in a clear gesture of refusal.

The Pope, Trump and Melania who continues do not give him his hand

The second arrived in Rome from Air Force One. A little less evident than the other, but in any case his hand did not give it to him.

The president of the United States reached out to help his wife get off the plane. A gesture that could have been gallant, but which she didn't feel the need for. When he was looking for her wife's side, she raised her arm to fix her hair and used the other one to lean on the ladder going down.

"Oops she She Did It Again!", "Oops, she did it again." So headlines People taking up the lyrics of a song by Britney Spears, but it is common in the American press and in the rest of the world to hear. There is a storm in the Trump house. Not that we know why, but the network suggests a bit of everything in the hashtag #Melania.

Not that Melania misses her commitments as First Lady, quite the contrary. She was in Saudi Arabia, she had tea in Israel, visited hospitals all over the place, she attended the Holocaust memorial. Everything in order and nothing in order could be said. However, the moment in which she appeared more at ease than she, despite her solemnity, was during the visit to the Vatican. She, a Catholic, asked the pontiff to bless a rosary. She followed the strictest rules of the protocol: dressed in black and with a veil. And the pope would have asked her if she prepares the putizza for her husband, a Slovenian dessert that Bergoglio seems to appreciate.

Trump said he will cherish the Pope's words. Pope Francis gave the president of the United States three books that deal with "the themes of the family, the joy of the Gospel, and the care of our common home which is the environment". Just to remember which side the Catholic Church is on in the ecological question and it is not exactly the side chosen by Trump, who in the election campaign had come to say that climate change was artfully constructed to damage American industry.

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