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Ivanka Trump is narcissistic and obsessed with status, like Donald: Former friend

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 Ivanka Trump is narcissistic and obsessed with status, like Donald: Former friend

Ivanka Trump is narcissistic and obsessed with status, like Donald: Former friend

This is the year of tell-all books on the Trump family, and now new revelations have come out on Donald Trump's daughter, Ivanka Trump.

A former schoolfriend of Ivanka shared her experience and Ivanka Trump's school time tantrums in a tell-all essay. According to her friend's revelations, Ivanka shares her father's love for money and appreciation.

Ivanka's friend, Lysandra Ohrstrom, who was a maid of honour at Ivanka's wedding, talked to an American publication Vanity Fair, in which she accused Ivanka of only caring about her own interests.

"She had the Trump radar for status, money, and power, and her dad’s instinct to throw others under the bus to save herself," Ohrstrom said.

Recalling an incident about Ivanka's hatred towards the lower-earning groups, she revealed that once when she recommended Richard Russo's Empire Falls to Ivanka, the millionaire shot back at her friend for recommending a book about poor people. "Ly, why would you tell me to read a book about f*****g poor people?’ I remember Ivanka saying,” she wrote. “‘What part of you thinks I would be interested in this?"

Ivanka was also known to have narcissistic traits — much like her father. "Ivanka would regularly relay stories of teachers or observers who had commented that she had the most innate talent they had ever seen for whatever new pursuit she was taking up," Ohrstrom said.

She also recalled the stereotypical thought process of Ivanka, narrating the tale of the time when Ohrstrom used to report from Lebanon and used to wear a necklace of her name in Arabic. "One night in the middle of dinner, she glanced at the necklace and said: ‘How does your Jewish boyfriend feel when you are having sex and that necklace hits him in the face? How can you wear that thing? It just screams ‘terrorist’," she narrated.

The two became friends in the Chapin School, an all girls' school when the two were together in the seventh grade at the age of 12. The two developed a stronger bond on a trip to Paris, but the two trailed off after Ivanka's wedding to Jared Kushner.

Ohrstrom claims that even though she risks being branded as a hypocrite, she wanted to reveal the true nature of her childhood friend. "Although friends and family have warned that this article won’t be received the way I want, I think it’s past time that one of the many critics from Ivanka’s childhood comes forward – if only to ensure that she really will never recover from the decision to tie her fate to her father’s," she wrote.

She also revealed that Donald Trump was always concerned whether or not his daughter was the prettiest girl in he school. "He would barely acknowledge me except to ask if Ivanka was the prettiest or the most popular girl in our grade. Before I learned that the Trumps have no sense of humor about themselves, I remember answering honestly that she was probably in the top five. “Who’s prettier than Ivanka?” I recall him asking once with genuine confusion, before correctly naming the two girls I’d had in mind," she wrote.

The journalist also revealed that the outgoing President had often body-shamed her. She recalled an incident from Trump's Mar-a-Lago when Ivanka's brother Donald Jr. scolded Ivanka for taking Ohrstrom's sandwich, and Donald Trump laughed, "Don’t worry. She doesn’t need it. He’s doing her a favor."

The essay has come after a few other officials released their own tell-all books on Donald Trump, and Melania Trump's former friend, too, revealed the classist personality of the outgoing First Lady.

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