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With or against Donald Trump: the delicate in-between of Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner

 With or against Donald Trump: the delicate in-between of Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner

With or against Donald Trump: the delicate in-between of Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner

Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner are trying to distance themselves from Donald Trump. But the couple, who have moved not far from home, still haven't recognized Joe Biden's victory.

A delicate position. During the four years of Donald Trump's tenure, the role of his daughter and son-in-law, advisers to the White House, made many cringe. Their critics within the administration did not fail to point the finger at their absence at the most controversial moments of the presidency, despite their major post and the freedom they enjoyed thanks to their link with the president, a double standard. frowned upon. Five months after the inauguration of Joe Biden, the couple who thought they had a bright political future are discreet: Ivanka Trump has denied the rumors ascribing him senatorial ambitions in Florida while her husband wrote his memoirs. 

According to CNN, both would now seek to distance themselves from Donald Trump, still very influential within the Republican Party and still convinced of having been the victim of electoral fraud, the imminent revelation of which will be synonymous with his return to power. A theory that is not based on any factual element and which is impossible according to the Constitution, but which Donald Trump hammers in and on which some elected Republican most Trumpists rely. A hard-line that would frighten Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner, focused on their professional future and their already tarnished image - as evidenced by their choice not to return to live in New York.

Despite moving near Mar-a-Lago, they have been absent subscribers at the private club's spring events. On June 20, on Father's Day, Ivanka Trump did not post a message for her father, remaining silent on social media that she only broke to announce that she had been vaccinated , but the Patriot's Point Naval & Maritime Museum tweeted a photo showing her with her husband and their son Theodore: “You never know who you'll come across while visiting our ships. Today we had the pleasure of showing the Yorktown, Laffrey and Medal of Honor Museum for the Kushner / Trump family. They took advantage of a Father's Day walk in the footsteps of the heroes! ”

Ongoing investigations and a complicated breakup

The distance they place between them and Donald Trump testifies to their delicate position: while wanting to move away, they have not publicly denied the accusations of electoral fraud, which would have been a probable point of no return with the billionaire ... a breakup to which the couple does not seem ready. The accounts of the distances taken by Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner have been commented on by some former relatives of the clan. "Their relationship has broken down, you can be sure Donald will push Jared under the bus as the Attorney General's case escalates!" Don't move ... the family fireworks will be set off for your entertainment! 

”Mocked Michael Cohen, Donald Trump's former personal lawyer who was sentenced to three years in prison after admitting to paying women in exchange for their silence on their affair with the billionaire. He refers to the investigations into the Trump Organization, opened by Manhattan Attorney Cyrus Vance and New York Attorney General Letitia James, merged and which now fall under criminal law, the exact outlines of which are unknown but who may be interested in these. testimonial purchases as part of the 2016 election campaign, in which Jared Kushner played a central role.

An investigation that focuses on Donald Trump Jr, the eldest son of the former president and active member of the campaign, who had been entrusted with the management of the Trump Organization during the Trump mandate. For her part, Ivanka Trump was questioned last fall for five hours by District of Columbia prosecutor Karl Racine, who is investigating possible embezzlement between the organizing committee of Donald Trump's nomination and the Trump Organization, including fees charged by the Trump Hotel in Washington. The daughter of the American president had, like her father, castigated "a new demonstration of political vindictiveness and waste of taxpayer money."

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