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According to his niece, Donald Trump "is severely affected"

According to his niece, Donald Trump "is severely affected"

According to his niece, Donald Trump "is severely affected"

Invited this Thursday morning on RTL, Mary Trump portrays a vitriolic portrait of her “notoriously incompetent” uncle, according to her.

Invited on RTL Thursday, October 22, Donald Trump's niece does not spare his words with regard to the President of the United States. Mary Trump, psychologist, explains that the billionaire "has a whole series of symptoms referring to certain personality disorders", while refraining from making a diagnosis. She publishes, at Albin Michel, Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Made the Most Dangerous Man in the World, an uncompromising portrait of her uncle. 

“He's someone who can't control himself, who doesn't have a drop of empathy. He's also someone who needs to be the center of attention, ”she explains. And to insist: "He sleeps very badly, he does not play sports, he eats badly ... There are many things in his life at the psychological and physical level which make that, indeed, he is seriously affected."

She explains that her criticized handling of the coronavirus crisis has its roots in her education. “My grandfather instilled the idea in his children that when you were sick you were weak,” she says. “Associating with the virus is in Donald Trump's head to associate with the idea of ​​weakness. This is also why he acted as if it did not exist. " According to her, the fact of having contracted the disease himself should not change him: "I would even say that it is the opposite". “He comes out feeling like he's invulnerable. He says to himself that now he can explain to Americans that it is enough to be strong to beat the disease, explains Mary Trump. Because of this experience and all this rhetoric, he will put the lives of hundreds of thousands of Americans in danger. ”

"He's a very weak person, he's notoriously incompetent," she said. The president's niece even says she fears his reaction if he is not re-elected on November 3. “If he loses, you have to prepare for even more aggressive behavior,” she warns. Then to conclude: "Four more years with Donald Trump, it's dangerous."

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