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Gal Gadot causes a scandal in Hollywood: the legendary role she has just accepted!

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Gal Gadot causes a scandal in Hollywood: the legendary role she has just accepted!

Gal Gadot causes a scandal in Hollywood the legendary role she has just accepted!

On October 12, "Wonder Woman" actress Gal Gadot announced that she was going to play Cleopatra in theaters. A decision that did not please everyone ...

The controversy swells (again) in Hollywood. A few months after the resignation of Halle Berry, recognized illegitimate to play the role of a transgender character, another cast is now at the heart of the debates. While Israeli actress Gal Gadot was delighted a few days ago to have been chosen to play the queen of Egypt, Cleopatra, in a Patty Jenkins blockbuster coming in 2021, anti-racists, on the other hand, cry scandal!

Indeed, some haters accuse the star, former Miss Israel who has turned "Wonder Woman" on screen, for being "too white" to play Cleopatra. It must be said that since the invention of cinema, the mythical role has been entrusted over time to a few superstars such as Liz Taylor, Vivien Leigh or even Sophia Loren and Monica Bellucci who did not have a very dark complexion. And the latest, Marion Cotillard (who will play the role of Cleopatra in the next Asterix) will be no exception.

So many reasons to finally diversify the choice of actresses, think the most revolted. For some, it would be time to entrust the task to an actress "closer" to the sovereign, notes journalist James Hall on Twitter. He laments: "Hollywood has always chosen white American actresses to play the Queen of the Nile. For once, couldn't they have found an African actress?"

Unfortunately, since ancient times it is not known exactly what color Cleopatra was. Sources report that she had African blood running through her veins, but that she also likely had Greek origins.

Gal Gadot responds to the controversy, with silence

Gal Gadot's admirers, on the other hand, take a dim view of all these criticisms and accuse the same critics of slipping into anti-Semitism under the guise of anti-racism. They recall that when the actress played "Wonder Woman" at the cinema for DC Comics, the film was banned in Lebanon, canceled in Tunisia and Algeria, also banned in Qatar.

For her part, the 35-year-old actress refuses to answer. On Twitter, she simply congratulated herself on telling the story of the Queen of Queens "seen for the first time through a woman's eyes, on both sides of the camera."

>> See also: Video: Gal Gadot: prettier naturally?

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