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Lilibet Diana: this injustice concerning the daughter of Meghan and Harry finally corrected

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Lilibet Diana: this injustice concerning the daughter of Meghan and Harry finally corrected

Lilibet Diana: this injustice concerning the daughter of Meghan and Harry finally corrected

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s newborn baby was still not listed.

Almost two months after the birth of Lilibeth Diana, born on June 4, the order of succession to the British crown has finally been reviewed. The official website of the British monarchy has just included Lilibet Mountbatten-Windsor in 8th place in the order of succession, just after his brother, little Archie. This Monday, July 26, Omid Scobie, editor of the royal family, confirmed it on his Twitter account. While the site is updated periodically, royalty expert Chris Ship noted Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's new child was being treated differently: “All they have to do is go back to the line and put another number. They've done it in the past for Archie, ”he explained in June in the Royal Rota podcast.

Eventually the list was changed. But the two children, as well as the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have been demoted from this list. Disputes between family members arguably played a role in updating this list. In particular this famous interview given to Oprah Winfrey and nominated for several awards.

The baptism will take place

If Lilibet was not yet on this list, the fact that she was not baptized could have played a role in the delay - voluntary or not - of updating the official website of the British monarchy. The couple have reportedly made the decision to baptize the newborn in Windsor, as tradition dictates. According to a royal source: “Harry has told several people that they want Lili baptized in Windsor, just like her brother. They are happy to wait as circumstances permit, ”she told the Daily Mail. Little Lilibet may succeed in reuniting the whole family, and erasing the conflicts ...

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