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Melania Trump: divorce? No way ! "There is more to gain by staying than by leaving"

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 Melania Trump: divorce? No way ! "There is more to gain by staying than by leaving"

Melania Trump: divorce? No way ! "There is more to gain by staying than by leaving"

According to author Mary Jordan, Melania Trump has no plans to divorce Donald Trump. On the contrary, it is better for her to stay with the former president.

Rumors of their divorce were rife after Donald Trump was defeated as president. But no, according to Mary Jordan, author of The Art of Her Deal: The Untold Story of Melania Trump, there was never any question of divorce. According to her words in the Express, Melania Trump is far from the idea of ​​parting with Donald Trump for the simple reason that "there is more to be gained by staying than by leaving."

The former First Lady, with a misunderstood personality, "didn't just want to be rich," according to key people around her, "she wanted to be known." The celebrity of Donald Trump's wife is no accident. This golden existence in which the couple lives is the fruit of the hard work of the businessman, of course, but also of the former Slovenian model, according to the book by Mary Jordan devoted to the life of this one. . Many think that Melania Trump and Donald Trump are "different" but in reality, they are "also very similar" explains the author. They have the same goals, but also, "they believe in their return."

Melania Trump: divorce? No way ! "There is more to gain by staying than by leaving"

A return to the spotlight?

Since leaving the White House, the couple have been enjoying their private club in Mar-A-Lago with other family members who have favored the Florida sun. Discreet, Melania Trump would nonetheless remain inactive. According to several American media, the mother of Barron, his only son, is preparing his return to the media scene. An uncertain return for the moment, unlike her billionaire husband who does not hide his intention to stand for the presidential election of 2024. But the one designated as "a chess player" has not yet revealed all his game.

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