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All Hailey Bieber tattoos are so understated they could inspire you this summer

 All Hailey Bieber tattoos are so understated they could inspire you this summer

All Hailey Bieber tattoos are so understated they could inspire you this summer

The fashion for micro tattoos continues to "stalk" new victims and Hailey Bieber has proven to be an absolute fan of this art. With various designs spread throughout the body, almost all of them come from the hand of Jon boy, the fashionable tattoo artist in the Big Apple. With discreet, simple versions capable of inspiring thousands of fans thanks to the single needle technique, we review the 15 mini tattoos that she has on her skin.

Are you able to find them?

Located on the side of the clavicle -in full bone-, Justin Bieber's wife has decided to leave a simple heart captured. This type of shape is one of the most requested, showing that its meaning endures over time. Although it is located in a very visible place, it is so fine that it is not something you can see with the naked eye.

At the 2017 Revolve Festival held on the occasion of Coachella, the online website brought Jon Boy as a star guest. Hailey Bieber didn't hesitate to trust him to decorate her little finger.

In the strangest and most remote places you can find one of her first tattoos: inside her ring finger there is a gun.

We don't know if her ankle tattoo is a souvenir from Brazil, but Minas Gerais is one of the twenty-six states that, together with the federal district, make up the Federative Republic of Brazil.

Behind her ear we find a tiny letter G: it is in reference to Georgia, the daughter of the family pastor Chad Veach, who was born with a rare disease.

On one of her wrists is the inscription VI-X-XC that refers to the day her parents got married.

On the nape of her we find the word "seek".

On one side of her back we have the inscription Coeur d'Alene.

The most religious tattoos of her

At the height of her neck, Hailey has a Catholic micro cross. In her own words "I don't see it as a religion. I see it as your own personal relationship with God."

Referring to the Bible, we also find verse 2 of Corinthians 4:18 that says "we look not at things that are seen, but at things that are not seen; for things that are seen are temporary, but those that are not seen. they are eternal. " From there to that she got unseen tattooed on her back.

Also, the Bible passage John 3:30 is placed on the side of her hands with the letter K and 3:30. This passage says: "He must increase, and I must decrease."

Tattoos of her with her best friends

Kendall Jenner is one of her best friends and therefore they share a broken heart on the side of one of her fingers (one in white and the other in red). In addition, the Kardashian's sister designed this tattoo with the letters PR and AY on each side of her hand that when joined together result in the word Pray.

Together with Marianne Fonseca, she got the word people tattooed on her hips.

With her cousin Ireland they made the same tattoo on her fingers with her last name.

Which one do you prefer?

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