Are there photos of Prince William naked with his wife Kate Middleton?
There could be 300 forbidden images from the prince and his wife's vacation in France.
Unpublished images would show British prince William naked along with his wife, Kate Middleton, who has already generated a stir for the photos of him topless. In an article called "How those Kate Middleton topless photos make a fortune for online porn sites", journalist Willard Foxton, of the English newspaper Telegraph, stated that there are approximately 300 forbidden images of the holidays of Prince William and his wife in France.
Of all this material, only 24 of them have been published so far, generating a stir with some legal action involved. But apparently, and always according to the British newspaper, among the still unpublished photos, Queen Elizabeth's eldest grandson would be seen naked.
On the other hand, during the past weekend, the Danish magazine Se Og Hor has published new images of the Duchess of Cambridge, where she is seen without the bottom of her swimsuit. Kim Henningsen, editor-in-chief of the Danish weekly, said she was offered 240 photos of her.
Buckingham Palace has no rest with the "problems" that younger members create for them. Recently all the media in the world published the images of Harry, Carlos' youngest son, naked with a young woman during his vacation in Las Vegas.
And to continue adding headaches for Queen Elizabeth II, Katrina Darling, Kate Middleton's cousin and stripper, is taking advantage of her moment of popularity to sell her erotic shows in different nightclubs. The 22-year-old was on the cover of the latest edition of Playboy in the UK.