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10 irresistible Hollywood celebrities who are now obese

 10 irresistible Hollywood celebrities who are now obese

10 irresistible Hollywood celebrities who are now obese

These famous obese before their fat their physique was enviable and today they could even shoot ... and not exactly scenes

It's curious. When it comes to celebrities who enjoy a certain popularity, at the same time they are exposed and, in general, the image they provide outwardly is the most important. That take care of even the smallest of details so as not to be detected, precisely, with an unwanted appearance. Meet the celebrities who became obese

However, oddly enough, many celebrities were seen as strikingly overweight and currently look obese. And beyond that, the most incredible thing is that they did not care.

Famous obese

These are Hollywood stars who were famous and are now obese in a list prepared by Wittyfeed, a site that ensures that "fat and fame went hand in hand." In other words, many of them managed to overcome the extra kilos and continued with their careers as if nothing had happened.

The reality is that, regardless of the fact that the extreme heaviness has not harmed the route and the trajectory of their careers, comparing the photos of these characters (thin vs. fat) is surprising due to the notorious -and logical- physical differences.

Jonah hill

10 irresistible Hollywood celebrities who are now obese

The protagonist of "Wolf of Wall Street" and "Moneyball: Breaking The Rules" gained weight to the level seen in the photo.

Then he managed to return to the kilos that he has in the photo on the left, and we cannot decide which of the changes surprises the most. What do you think?

John Travolta

10 irresistible Hollywood celebrities who are now obese

Another renowned actor. "Pulp Fiction", "Contracara", "Battlefield: Earth" are just some of the films in which he participated. In those productions his body looked spectacularly good.

However, the artist who knew how to drive women crazy was gaining weight until he reached the unfortunate image on the right.

Britney Spears

10 irresistible Hollywood celebrities who are now obese

What else could have happened to Britney? In her 20-year career, the scandals carried out by the singer included the now famous attempt to attack a paparazzi with an umbrella.

And apart from that situation, the artist was seen singing with an undesirable weight for the physical demand that requires going on stage, moving and singing.

Val kilmer

10 irresistible Hollywood celebrities who are now obese

At the moment, the actor who participated in the tapes "Top Gun", "Batman Forever" and "Kiss Kiss Bang Bang" is living hell, but not because of being overweight. Quite the contrary: his throat cancer forces him to move around in a wheelchair.

Long ago he had been spotted with puffy cheeks and a quite different balance situation.

Vin Diesel

10 irresistible Hollywood celebrities who are now obese

Beyond his role as an actor, Vin Diesel - born Mark Sinclair - is one of those characters that one would not want to see angry. The protagonist of the "Fast and the Furious" and "Guardians of the Galaxy" saga was seen apparently overweight in October 2015.

Splash News spread the images and the taunts were swift. Nor was the response from Sinclair himself, who shared photos that showed him with his usual abs and criticizing the site in question.

Mariah Carey

With a history of almost 30 years and a net worth of around $ 500 million, Mariah Carey is another of the personalities that she enjoyed and continues to enjoy extraordinary popularity.

We believe that, for that simple reason, her overweight did not matter much to her to say, even though some rumors indicated that she underwent surgery to lose the kilos that her followers criticized her.

Brendan fraser

10 irresistible Hollywood celebrities who are now obese

The protagonist of the trilogy of "The Mummy" was named in 1998 as the most handsome man in the world, in a choice that takes anyone's ego through the roof.

However, as we see, nothing is forever. And if the question is “what was left of that gallant 20 years later?”, The overwhelming answer is “absolutely nothing”.

Matthew perry

10 irresistible Hollywood celebrities who are now obese

During his participation in "Friends", Perry suffered from drug addiction, which was worth forgetting several seasons of the popular sitcom.

And now, the actor himself acknowledged that he would not like to return to the cast of a hypothetical relaunch (something that will not happen anyway) for fear that the public will not accept the heavy current image of him.

Mike tyson

10 irresistible Hollywood celebrities who are now obese

Of all, he is the celebrity who, perhaps, had the most excuses to gain weight. It is that since 2005, the year in which he retired from boxing, the obligation to stay online, something mandatory for his activity, was forgotten.

Beyond food (not very healthy, by the way), in the last stretch of his career he had to fight to pay off debts and his financial situation fell to unsuspected levels. To stay afloat, he went to work in a circus.

Russel crowe

10 irresistible Hollywood celebrities who are now obese

The 53-year-old actor knew how to show off, in the film "Gladiator", a dreamlike physique. But another role, that of a detective for the comedy "The Nice Guys" - in which he worked alongside Ryan Gosling - led him to gain weight.

Work issues that were turned against. Is that after playing Jackson Healy, returning to his previous state was not so easy for Crowe.

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