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Britney Spears freed from the tutelage of her father, what change for the star?

 Britney Spears freed from the tutelage of her father, what change for the star?

Britney Spears freed from the tutelage of her father, what change for the star?

The judge in charge of the case on the guardianship of Britney Spears has officially suspended her father Jamie. But the legal battle is not over for the star.

Britney Spears' lawyer Mathew Rosengart announced a big win for his client on Wednesday night. Her father, Jamie, was officially suspended by the judge from his role as guardian. He had been in charge of looking after his daughter since 2008, both personally and financially. In 2019, for health reasons, he had given up part of his role, remaining only at the head of the singer's fortune estimated at 60 million dollars. Britney Spears officially requested that her father be removed from her life last summer. If the judge finally accepted her request, the legal fight of the interpreter of "Toxic" is not over yet.

What future for Britney Spears?

For now, Britney Spears remains under guardianship. Jodi Montgomery, in charge of the personal guardianship of the star - which concerns his health care or his private affairs -, retains this role for the moment. Jamie Spears is replaced by John Zabel, who will be responsible for financial affairs. He was chosen by Britney Spears and her lawyer, who said the man was "a certified, award-winning and nationally recognized public accountant with an impeccable record in positions of trust." He will have this temporary role for 30 to 45 days. In the long term, Britney Spears wishes to put an end to her tutelage.

Judge Brenda Penny will hold a new hearing on the matter on November 12, where all parties involved will present their arguments. Britney Spears' father and the team built around her, including Lou Taylor - whose murky role has been highlighted in several documentaries - continue to advocate for the trusteeship. “Guardianship can and should be terminated quickly,” Mathew Rosengart told the judge. Jodi Montgomery has also indicated that she will support ending the Guardianship and may work with Britney Spears' team on this process. Another hearing is scheduled by the judge on December 13, unrelated to the end of the guardianship, during which the fees received by the various parties will be studied.

The star's mental aspect has yet to be discussed in detail. She had been placed under guardianship after her severe depression on the grounds that she would suffer from dementia, which her defenders denounce, recalling that during all the years when she was under the responsibility of her father, she went on world tours, concerts in Las Vegas and the albums and was therefore able to work. To end her guardianship permanently, she will likely need to undergo a psychological assessment, although nothing has yet been announced. During his testimony to the judge last June, the star had claimed to have been forcibly interned and drugged.

What future for Jamie Spears?

In early August, Jamie Spears announced that he was ready to step down from his role as guardian, without giving a date and continuing to ask for money. Mathew Rosengart had said that it was mainly for the father "to avoid being held responsible by the law". He added that his team was investigating all the charges against the star's father. The latter claimed to have been mistreated during the 13 years of his guardianship, monitored, manipulated, and had expressed last June during testimony at a court hearing her wish that he be imprisoned. Mathew Rosengart also suspects Jamie Spears of having defrauded his client.

The establishment of a temporary guardian is important in this matter. Jamie Spears and his lawyers are now required to provide him with all financial documents relating to the wealth of Britney Spears, which he had managed since 2008, which they would not have had to do in the event of an immediate end of guardianship. Mathew Rosengart suggested in court Wednesday that the files may contain "revelations" of his "corruption", and he noted that Jamie had "raked in millions." The guardianship was put in place at the time so that the father and his lawyers were paid directly by Britney Spears, who however did not have free access to her own money. Jamie Spears has also been accused in a new "New York Times" documentary of wiretapping and secretly monitoring her daughter at her home. The star's lawyer has also vowed to investigate the allegations.

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