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Ben Affleck claims to be happy after returning with Jennifer Lopez: "It's a great story"

Ben Affleck claims to be happy after returning with Jennifer Lopez: "It's a great story"

Ben Affleck claims to be happy after returning with Jennifer Lopez: "It's a great story"

The actor and director Ben Affleck also stated that he still believes in marriage despite his divorce and pointed out that he will not tell how the so-called return with Jennifer Lopez took place.

Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck have become one of the most famous couples in the world after unexpectedly resuming their relationship and after more than 15 years of separation. The singer and the actor have not publicly made their love affair official, although they have been seen together for several months in the eyes of the public and the press.

For this reason, the Oscar winner for Argo recently talked about his current situation with the interpreter and pointed out that he is very happy. Even the protagonist of The Justice League described his courtship with JLO as a great story and that he still believes in marriage despite the various divorces he had in his life.

“It's a great story. Maybe one day I'll tell it. I'll write it all down...and then I'll set it on fire,” he laughed for The Wall Street Journal. He then responded about the chance to marry Jennifer Lopez: "I don't know, yeah, I guess. I still believe in happily ever after, for sure, 100 percent,” he added.

Ben Affleck claims to be happy after returning with Jennifer Lopez: "It's a great story"

Ben Affleck refuses to tell how he returned with JLO

Although they now have a courtship, fans of Ben Aflleck and Jennifer Lopez still want to know how their approach took place after several years. However, the Hollywood star refused to reveal it and assured that both will keep the details of their courtship.

“There are some issues that are private and intimate and have meaning because they are not shared with the rest of the world. I feel more comfortable learning to find a boundary between the things I want to share and the things I don't," she said.

Ben Affleck wants to be a good father

Finally, Ben Affleck assured that despite being in a relationship with JLO, his main priority is to be a good father to his daughters with Jennifer Garner.

“The most important thing for me is to be a good father. The second most important thing is to be a good man and a good person. And then, you know, a good husband. Hopefully,” he added.

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