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The new and shocking change of look of Demi Lovato

 The new and shocking change of look of Demi Lovato

The new and shocking change of look of Demi Lovato

The artist has undergone a revolutionary change after leaving the rehabilitation center where she had entered to combat her addictions.

Demi Lovato has reappeared on social networks to show her new and impressive change of look with which she has left her more than 124 million followers on her Instagram speechless. The singer has wanted to modify her appearance after leaving the rehabilitation center where she had entered of her own free will to combat her addiction problems that she has suffered for more than a decade.

The new and shocking change of look of Demi Lovato

The artist, who has experienced all kinds of changes in her look since she rose to fame, dares on this occasion with a most revolutionary cut. And it is that Demi Lovato bets on the shaved; yes, not only for shaving her head but also for accompanying this new cut with a huge tattoo that does not cause indifference. It is a large spider with a 3D appearance in homage to the Grandmother Spider, a mythological figure of the indigenous tribes of the United States. It is a creation of Doctor Woo.

“It was Grandmother Spider who taught us a lot of things. She taught us about pottery and weaving. She taught us about fire, light and darkness. She taught us that we are all connected to the network, that each of us has her own place in this world, ”says Demi Lovato through a story on her Instagram profile.

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Demi Lovato's last admission to a rehabilitation clinic in Utah, United States, occurs three years after suffering an overdose that almost cost her life. The singer made this decision to return to the center after relapsing "in a controlled way" in the consumption of marijuana and alcohol. "Being sober is the only way to be healthy," said the singer just a few days before taking this important step. According to sources close to the artist, it is "a regular check-up to make sure that she is committed to her well-being."

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