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Which celebrity’s career was destroyed because of a single photo?

 Which celebrity’s career was destroyed because of a single photo?

Which celebrity’s career was destroyed because of a single photo?

Celebrity lifestyles through flashy means have greater implications. It’s as if society allows people having huge followings to misbehave and go scot-free.

However, we look at a powerful man of God in the US who many believed was without blemish and narrow it down to his hidden promiscuous lifestyle with sex worker Debra Murphree.

Which celebrity’s career was destroyed because of a single photo?

The answer is Jimmy Swaggart.

A prostitute said that preacher Jimmy Swaggart had sexual relations with her and requested that her 9-year-old daughter observe sex acts.

According to New York-based Quora user Joan Wall, Swaggart allegedly paid prostitute Debra Murphree to conduct indecent activities in front of him. Ms. Murphree stated that she had 20 contacts with Swaggart over the course of a year.

On February 25, 1988, Jimmy Swaggart apologized on national television, saying, “Victory over flesh does not come easily.” “I’m going to change my ways.”

The incident made the front pages of the newspapers, virtually wrecking his ministry.

Swaggart was apprehended again in 1991.

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