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Shocked : Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher wash their kids when they're especially dirty

 Shocked : Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher wash their kids when they're especially dirty

Shocked : Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher wash their kids when they're especially dirty

The actress has also acknowledged that during the day she only washes her armpits and crotch so as not to smell too much.

The actors Mila Kunis (37) and Ashton Kutcher (43) have recognized during their time on the podcast 'Armchair Expert' that also presents the actor Dax Shepard that abusing bath gels and soap bars can be very harmful for the epidermis and cause all kinds of skin problems.

The actors have confessed that they only bathe their two offspring, Wyatt (6) and Dimitri (4), when they are especially "dirty" and, going into details, when that dirt is manifested in all its splendor on their skins.

The actor has assured that to prevent the loss of the natural oils of the skin, and that happens if we rub ourselves with a bar of soap every day. For me, the rule is very clear: if you can see the dirt on them, wash them. Otherwise, it doesn't make much sense, "he explained when reflecting on his hygiene habits with the space's co-host Monica Padman.

The mother of the offspring has also been asked, what is your trick to put up with children like this. And if they get fried tomato up to their ears, what do we do?

The also bender of Meg's character in 'Family Guy' has also revealed that, during her childhood, the lack of hot water in her home led her to bathe and shower only when it was strictly necessary. On the other hand, regardless of the economic resources of each one, for her it is unthinkable to bathe children when it comes to newborns.

"When I was little we did not have running hot water, so it is not that I took a lot of showers. When I have had children, I have not bathed them as newborns either. I have never been one of those mothers who bathe their children so young", has explained in her interview, in which she has also ensured that, on a daily basis, she only washes her armpits and crotch to avoid bad smells. But Mila, with how relaxed you are with a shower after hours of work ... they have told her.

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