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The Trump diet: two 'big mac', a shake and several advisers

 The Trump diet: two 'big mac', a shake and several advisers

The Trump diet: two 'big mac', a shake and several advisers

A book by two former advisers reveals intimacies of the Republican's electoral campaign

Margaret Thatcher was crazy about boiled eggs. She could eat 30 a week, simply accompanied by a toast with Bovril and a shot of whiskey. Bill Clinton was a muffin eater. During the campaign, there were those who saw him gobble down a dozen donuts in one go. And it has been known about Donald Trump that his culinary universe is made up of four major food groups: McDonald's, Kentucky Fried Chicken, pizza and Coca-Cola. A hypercaloric meal, whose star menu consists of two big macs, two fish fillets and a chocolate shake. All of one and forward.

This diet was elevated during the campaign to a daily routine. It is told in Let Trump be Trump by two former (and fired) advisers, Corey Lewandowski and David Bossie. The book, of which The Washington Post has given a juicy preview, is not a harsh profile, on the contrary. But in its pages the authors fail to hide the perplexity caused by the candidate: "Sooner or later, everyone who is with Trump will end up seeing a side of him that will make them wonder why he chose to work with him."

Among those edges are his outbursts. Fights capable of "breaking the toughest into little pieces." One of these attacks was suffered by his former campaign manager, Paul Manafort. It came to Trump's ear that Manafort had said it was better for him not to appear on television. The candidate called him: “Did you say that? I will go to television as many times as I get off my balls and you won't say another fucking word about me… ”. Shortly after he was fired.

The portrait is stark. Draw a Trump so fearful of germs that he does not take cookies from packages already started, and so careful of his image that to eliminate wrinkles he steams the suit with it inside. A Fellinian being whose self-esteem never wanes. This is what happened when, in the middle of the campaign, the recording was uncovered in which he advised "grabbing by the pussy" of women to seduce them. The scandal led then-Republican Party Chairman Reince Priebus to forecast certain defeat. Trump summoned him and before the electoral Sanhedrin he snapped: “I'm going to win. And if the Republicans abandon me, I'll take them down with me. I am not going to lose ”. He won and six months after the inauguration, Priebus was fired. It's the Trump diet.

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