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Game Of Thrones: How Sophie Turner Felt About That Shocking Scene

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 Game Of Thrones: How Sophie Turner Felt About That Shocking Scene

Game Of Thrones: How Sophie Turner Felt About That Shocking Scene

Spoilers if you haven’t caught Sunday’s episode of Game of Thrones, yet.

Sansa Stark has been a lot of things on Game of Thrones. She’s been a young innocent and a plaything for King Joffrey to brutalize. She’s been terrified and serene as a pawn among the more powerful Lannisters and Tyrells. And just when she is starting to assert herself a bit in the company of Littlefinger, she is thrust upon the Boltons and forced to marry the psychopath Ramsay. After filming a brutal episode involving a rape scene in which Theon Greyjoy is forced to watch his former almost-sister get brutalized by Ramsay, actress Sophie Turner now admits she thought the scene was just incredible.

When I read that scene, I kinda loved it. I love the way Ramsay had Theon watching. It was all so messed up. It’s also so daunting for me to do it. I’ve been making [producer Bryan Cogman] feel so bad for writing that scene: ‘I can’t believe you’re doing this to me!’ But I secretly loved it.

The scene in question features Sansa getting married in the beautiful godswood outside of Winterfell. She then heads back to her rooms with Ramsay to lose her virginity. Ramsay, of course, is a huge asshole to her, taunting her about not losing her virginity to Tyrion Lannister, before he drops a huge bomb on her. He wants her enemy Theon Greyjoy to watch them have sex. It’s among the most awful scenes ever, with the broken Theon crying and Sansa getting her dress ripped off, after which Ramsay just takes what he wants. The wedding may have come off without a hitch, but Sansa will likely be hurting in the morning.

I kind of like the fact she doesn’t really know what a psycho he is until that night. She has a sense, but she’s more scared of his father. And then that night everything gets so fucked up

The outlet says the interview was shot before the scene was officially filmed way back in October, and it’s pretty weird to see Sophie Turner excited about shooting a scene that came off as totally brutal last night. Still, her new role with Ramsay Bolton should theoretically give her a lot more to do as a character, and while her new husband did not treat her well during Episode 6, we’ve been seeing inklings of a brand new Sansa all season. Hopefully, we’ll get more of the haughty, smart and assertive Sansa that has started to shine through since she began to spend time with Littlefinger.

There are still four episodes left this season for some character growth. You can check out Game of Thrones when it airs on Sunday nights at 9 p.m. ET. In addition, here’s our full take on last night’s episode, as well as everything we’ve seen from Game of Thrones so far.

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