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The Shape of Water also triumphs in China, but with censored scenes

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 The Shape of Water also triumphs in China, but with censored scenes

The Shape of Water also triumphs in China, but with censored scenes

Or dressed or pixelated, but the Chinese have not seen badass

The Shape of Water has captivated international audiences and has also won over Chinese audiences far above other international premieres in the country. Since opening in theaters, it has grossed US$10.35 million, while last year even the revered La La Land took in less than Guillermo del Toro's film: $9.35 million, according to Deadline data. However, the film has arrived shorter than the original: nu** has been censored.

The tape has received such a scissor cut that it has even changed its plot. Not only have they removed some scenes, they have also pixelated the protagonist's chest and even put her clothes on. In one of the scenes in which Elisa (Sally Hawkins) is nak** on her back next to her bathtub, she has been placed in a fake black dress. In others, they have simply chosen to pixelate part of the image.

The four Oscars that The Shape of Water has received (including best film and best director) have been the ones that have allowed the film to be broadcast (half) in the country. China only releases 30 foreign films a year to promote domestic cinema. To this day, several Chinese filmmakers continue to fight for censorship to be removed from both national and international cinema and for films to be categorized by age as most of the world does.

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