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Do Khloé Kardashian edit photos?

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Do Khloé Kardashian edit photos?

Do Khloé Kardashian edit photos?

 In 2019, she posted this picture on Instagram — it appeared edits had been made to her hands and hair.

In 2019, Khloé paired the picture with a caption which reads, "You are so much more powerful than you know! Keep going."

But it was her left thumb that caused the most controversy. It seems to have been duplicated as if there's a second one hiding behind the original. Khloé defended herself in the comments, saying the effect was from an editing app. 

"Babe, it's a glitch app. You can't control what it makes a glitch effect to," she wrote. "The fact that y'all think one would Photoshop thumbs concerns me a bit. What the hell are y'all Photoshopping?"

There also appear to be airbrush marks on Kardashian's hair, suggesting she also edited the shape of her hair.

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