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David Hasselhoff, shocking: a 'baywatch' in flip-flops with socks

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 David Hasselhoff, shocking: a 'baywatch' in flip-flops with socks

David Hasselhoff, shocking: a 'baywatch' in flip-flops with socks

The American actor has signed with the Swedish firm Happy Socks and recreates some of his most celebrated work in a unique photo shoot

Kitsch is a whole vital attitude. And although the definition of the Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy says that it is a "pretentious aesthetic, old-fashioned and considered in bad taste", it all depends on the prism with which you look at it. It won't be the first or last time that a fashion editorial has glorified what was considered the epitome of tacky, sandals with socks. A social use that we usually attribute to English tourists in places on the Spanish coast that are not exactly Saint-Tropez. However, Happy Socks has had the happy idea of ​​hiring David Hasselhoff for their latest advertising campaign, in which they reinvent the image of the unforgettable television Michael Knight with the explosion of color that characterizes his creations.

The actor and also a singer (note, let's not forget this facet with which he triumphed in Germany and which brought him 'Party Night' to some in Spain) is the star of The Hoff's Day Off, a campaign in which two of his fetish series, 'Fantastic Car', of which, by the way, a remake is being prepared, and 'Baywatch'.

If the photos are not impressive enough, the commercial is a monument to self-parody and a sense of humor, which has always been a sign of intelligence. David Hasselhoff, at 66 years old, wishes us a happy summer, wearing new hair dye, the torso of someone he had and kept, and the entire catalog of the Swedish firm that is already on sale and that can fill our summer with light and color, as Marisol sang.

David Hasselhoff, shocking: a 'baywatch' in flip-flops with socks

These images of the actor are far from those that went around the world in 2007, in which he appeared intoxicated, eating a hamburger. Possibly the lowest point in his personal life, which he has managed to overcome. His most recalcitrant fans are in luck, because he is preparing an album to be released this summer, aimed especially at Germany, a country that, as we have already said, adores him. More so now that he is going to do a cover of a song by the emblematic Udo Jürgens, in which he is going to interpret the chorus in the language of Angela Merkel.

David Hasselhoff, shocking: a 'baywatch' in flip-flops with socks

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