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Don't cry guys! A young actress revealed that she likes women more than men

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 Don't cry guys! A young actress revealed that she likes  women more than men

Don't cry guys! A young actress revealed that she likes  women more than men

She is one of the most controversial artists and her statements never go unnoticed. She is not afraid to talk about her relationship with dr*gs, much less s**. To the point that she confessed that before men, she prefers to ki** women.

Sofía Gala made her way into the world of entertainment for being the daughter of Moria Casán, but also thanks to her controversial confessions, which are as bombastic as those of her mother.

In a radio dialogue with Franco Torchia (La Once Diez), the heiress of the "karateka language", she confessed that, when it comes to s*x, she is very open minded. She was intimate with both men and women and, as a result of her experiences, she can talk about her preferences.

Sofia said: "Women are more attractive to me when kis*ing. I always enjoyed kis*ing women more than men", but when it comes to s*x, the actress prefers men: "I enjoy fucking guys more".

Of course, in terms of feelings, Moria's daughter has things very clear: “I always fell in love with men. I fall in love with women more from another level. When I connect with a woman, it's so strong that it goes beyond the s*xual. I am completely in love with all my friends and I find them all beautiful. I admire and love her. With women, s*xuality goes to another level."

In addition, the actress defined herself as "a very open person", in addition to not having the prejudice of the s*xual division that, according to her, is one of the great conflicts of humanity: "They catch you and you feel beautiful, you you take and make the other feel good, and you express a wonderful energy. For all this it is necessary that this barrier of division be broken, "he concluded.

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