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Kirsten Dunst taken for a local stripper!

Hollywood beauty Kirsten Dunst was horrified when a man mistook her for a stripper and asked if he could lick whipped cream off her n-ked body.

According to onlookers, Dunst started to walk away after the man made his illicit request, and he was allegedly overheard saying: Wait. What's the matter? I come to watch you dance every weekend."

Kirsten Dunst taken for a local stripper!

When the 23-year-old star confronted him the embarrassed man apologised, explaining he had mistaken her for a local stripper.

"Kirsten asked him what he was talking about and he said he'd confused her with a stripper from a nearby club," Femalefirst quoted her as telling Britain's Daily Sport newspaper.

Meanwhile, Dunst has admitted she has a crush on actress Patricia Arquette.The screen beauty has revealed she admires blonde Patricia's s-xy curves and self confidence.

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