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Margot Robbie n-des: Actress reveals why she takes off her clothes on screen

Promoting the movie "Terminal", the actress explained when and why she decides to do n-dity scenes on the big screen.

Some movie stars tend to appear on screen without clothes more often than others. While some performers refuse to do so, others are not afraid of on-camera n-dity. Margot Robbie is noted in this group.

The actress, nominated for an Oscar for "I, Tonya", rose to fame thanks to her work in "The Wolf of Wall Street" (2013), where she shared n-dity scenes with Leonardo DiCaprio. The interpreter of Harley Quinn is promoting the film "Terminal", where she puts herself in the shoes of a seductive and dangerous woman.

As a result of this character, Robbie talked about her n-de scenes in her movies, explaining to Yahoo! Movies what are her motivations to take off her clothes. Reification? No, quite the opposite. “I like that she is very aware of the male gaze, because she uses it like a weapon. If I see that (n-dity) is not used in an ironic or subversive way, I don't necessarily agree, "explained the actress.

Margot Robbie n-des: Actress reveals why she takes off her clothes on screen

He also recalled his famous scenes in the film with DiCaprio: "If I see that the character uses n-dity as a weapon, as a tool or that she does it with an intention, like in 'The Wolf of Wall Street,' where she wears a dress short for a reason, it's his currency and he knows he'll get what he wants that way, so it does feel empowering." 

For this reason, Margot Robbie affirms that only this type of n-dity is what she is willing to do: "When the character does not have this level of awareness, then she does feel that they are taking advantage." Some time ago, the Australian had made statements about her commented scenes: Margot Robbie revealed details of her n-de in "The Wolf of Wall Street". "Terminal", the most recent film by Margot Robbie, still does not have a release date in Latin America. You can watch the trailer here:

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