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Julianne Moore Says Husband Gets Jealous of Her Love Scenes (Especially That Boogie Nights One)

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The Gloria Bell actress, 58, told Andy Cohen while appearing on Watch What Happens Live Thursday that her director husband Bart Freundlich, 49, gets jealous of Moore’s scene partners “all the time.”

Moore and Live’s second guest star Eva Longoria played “Deal Breakers: Marriage Edition” during the episode, where they each answered if a certain situation would be a deal breaker for their marriage.

When the wheel landed on “gets jealous of your love scene partners,” Moore was quick to reveal that her husband is not too fond of the awkward situation.

“I’ve just learned to live with it,” Moore said.

“But he’s a director!” Longoria responded.

“I know, it’s worse when he’s directing too,” she laughed.

“So when you come home, do you ever say ‘Oh I had a love scene with whoever today,?’ ” Cohen asked.

The actress, who has been married to Freundlich for nearly 16 years, mimed locking her mouth and tossing the key.

“And then when he sees the movie is that when it comes out?” the host questioned.

“Sometimes its a surprise to him, yeah,” Moore admitted.

But the most uncomfortable scene for Freundlich to watch? Moore’s turn in the 1997 drama Boogie Nights with Mark Wahlberg.

“Oh that was the worst,” Moore said.

“What did he say?” Cohen asked.

Julianne Moore Says Husband Gets Jealous of Her Love Scenes (Especially That Boogie Nights One)

“We were very early in our relationship, so lots of arguments in the car,” she added, as the couple didn’t get married until 2003. ” I was like ‘It’s work, it’s work, it’s work!'”

Moore and her husband have made four films together, including their most recent film After the Wedding, which she stars in and he directs.

“I’m pretty familiar with working with my husband, so it didn’t feel out of the ordinary,” she told . “I think if anything, I’m highly sensitive to his moods, and so I know when things are bothering him.”

Freundlich’s 1997 film The Myth of Fingerprints brought the couple together before it even came out, as they began dating during the making of it. Moore told in March their relationship “was pretty unexpected.”

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