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Prepare to wince as Madonna suffers painful knicker-based wardrobe malfunction on stage

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The singer had a few issues on stage with her knickers, which appeared to be a tad too small

Our eyes are watering at the sight of these new Madonna pictures, which shows the singer having a few issues with her crotch on stage in Miami.

The knicker part of her black outfit (does this much material warrant the word outfit?!) appeared to be a bit, um, stuck, creating quite the image for the audience.

Appearing to be in a considerable amount of pain, Madonna winced as the panties attempted to cut her in half (she is pretty skinny, it might have been possible).

Even her dancers appeared to be concerned by the situation, coming closer to observe the complex wedgie on stage at the The American Airlines Arena.

Fortunately, Madge only had to hold out for a few songs and was able to leg it backstage and yank her outfit off before throwing on a cheerleading uniform. As you do.

Prepare to wince as Madonna suffers painful knicker-based wardrobe malfunction on stage

We bet the 'AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH' of relief could be heard from the moon.

As if she was aware of her fans' sympathy, Madonna even bent over to show everyone her healthy bottom later on in the show, to prove there was no long term damage.

What a woman. And don't worry, Madge, you're not the only star to suffer a wardrobe malfunction -

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