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Charles Not Obligated to Silence Meghan with Money; Harry's Divorce Should be Publicized

Charles Not Obligated to Silence Meghan with Money; Harry's Divorce Should be Publicized

As we have previously discussed, it appears that Harry and Meghan's marriage is on the verge of ending in divorce. Meghan is allegedly pressuring Prince Charles to pay a significant sum to facilitate their separation. Naturally, this news has upset many people.

Traditionally, the royal family has preferred to settle disputes by meeting financial demands rather than engaging in protracted court battles or media spectacles. However, Meghan's arrival seems to have changed this dynamic. Personally, I had been understanding until now, but I believe she needed someone to hold her accountable. 

She should not have been allowed to rush her wedding or defy the Queen's wishes regarding her wedding dress, hairstyle, or adherence to royal protocol. If someone had intervened earlier, she may have reconsidered her actions or realized that her manipulative games would not be tolerated.

After a grand wedding, exorbitant expenses on clothing and travel, and numerous instances of embarrassment and mistreatment toward the royal family, Meghan now expects a substantial payout. Truly, wonders never cease! I shudder to think about the moral of this distasteful fairy tale. What lessons are young girls supposed to learn from such a story?

If the palace chooses to do the right thing, it should make the bullying report public and acknowledge what they have known all along about the alleged mistreatment. They must also address the issue of the "invisible children." Furthermore, if King Charles decides to pay Meghan, there should be a trade-off. 

Both parties should be bound by a non-disclosure agreement (NDA). The British royal family should require an NDA from Meghan as well. No more books, films, or docu-series. And if Meghan dares to violate the terms of the NDA, then all bets are off, and the world should hear every detail of her life story.

If Harry manages to survive this ordeal and eventually remarries, and if he and his future spouse have their first legitimate child, where will that child stand in the line of succession? I don't believe the royal family has fully considered the implications. The truth will eventually emerge, shedding light on Charles's vulnerabilities and exposing any dubious claims regarding the "invisible children." 

Whether it's about their non-existence or the use of surrogates, something seems off. Harry might claim that Meghan deceived or blackmailed him, possibly attributing his actions to mental health struggles. However, he will have to keep a low profile in the UK, considering his plummeting approval rating. Recovering from such a tarnished reputation won't be easy.

Here's an idea: perhaps the two disgraced princes, Andrew and Harry, can share a cottage somewhere in the countryside. As for the royal family, they could argue that they did not expose Meghan and Harry's lies due to the potential consequences. It's likely they were concerned about Harry's mental well-being.

Would he overdose if everything came out? Perhaps accidentally, or maybe on purpose? If Meghan distorts the truth to make it seem like Harry abandoned the alleged fake children, it will portray him as a cold and uncaring father. You know what they say: the truth will set you free. I believe it's time for Harry to come clean, and I genuinely hope he doesn't succumb to Meghan's greedy ways. It seems like this was all planned from the very beginning, aiming to secure more money for her. After all, that's the only thing she cares about, apart from fame.

I can't predict when we'll finally hear the last from her. I doubt Charles will easily be rid of her, unless they take legal action to silence her completely. Megan will always pose a threat. A hundred million pounds will never be enough for her. She will spend it quickly and then resurface. It might be better if Charles insists on seeing the alleged children. It's time to address this issue directly and move forward.

It does appear that Charles is being somewhat naive. While he may be enjoying popularity now, as the truth unravels, his reputation will suffer a significant loss of respect. People will realize they have been deceived, and they will associate King Charles with the deception. It seems his beloved son hasn't learned anything and has been saved once again. I don't think William will be pleased with the situation. However, in a few years, he will likely be the one calling the shots, and Harry won't be thrilled about that.

Surely, the king won't give Megan any money. Harry is her husband, and he should be the one responsible for paying the divorce settlement. Legally, no parent is obligated to cover their children's divorce expenses, and why should Harry be an exception? Furthermore, the monarchy exists thanks to the will of the people, and nobody understands that better than Charles. The public will not tolerate a $100 million settlement for someone like Megan, whom they perceive as a bimbo.

Typically, royals don't sign prenups, so Megan will receive what she's entitled to from Harry's assets, and not a penny more. While Charles is indeed a wealthy man, his wealth has limits. Every penny he possesses is carefully managed, and the royal family is known for being frugal for the reasons mentioned above.

No, the king does not need to pay off Meghan. It was always anticipated that she would eventually fade away, and most of us recognized that from the very beginning. Dealing with Meghan is Harry's responsibility, and I assure you, most members of the royal family would despise seeing her compensated.

There's another critical reason why Harry and the rest of the family are desperate to rid themselves of her once and for all. Meghan is nothing but trouble, and she will continue to cause problems if she doesn't get her way. She is using the alleged lie about the invisible children as a means of extortion. By succumbing to this lie and paying her off to facilitate Harry's divorce, the king is validating her falsehood. If he genuinely believes that a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) will silence her, then he is incredibly naive. Meghan simply can't help herself. She feels compelled to leak information and speak ill of others—it's the only leverage she believes she possesses.

Harry was the one who willingly jumped into the Meghan Markle swamp, spreading dirt all over his family. And now, as always, it seems that someone else will clean up and polish him. At nearly 40 years old, it appears he has learned absolutely nothing throughout all these years. However, the truth will eventually emerge, reflecting poorly on the king. Meghan knows this; she has wanted to destroy the monarchy from the beginning, and she will milk the situation for all it's worth. I suspect she already has.

Last time I checked, Harry was a grown man when he made the choice to marry her. The truth about the alleged children needs to come out. At this rate, Harry will never learn anything about responsibility or consequences. Why do they keep treating him like a little boy? The covering up of his misbehavior must come to an end.

The people of Great Britain deserve to know the truth, especially after the insults hurled at the monarchy and the way both of them have belittled the intelligence of the people in the UK and the entire Commonwealth. Both Harry and Meghan are repulsive opportunists, willing to do anything for money—except, of course, working. If Harry still hasn't learned his lesson at his age, when will he start to learn? Meghan insulted his grandparents, his father, his brother, and anyone else she could target with her baseless accusations. Yet, he stood there and enabled her.

From my perspective, Harry deserves whatever consequences are coming his way. Meghan Markle isn't solely responsible for everything—Harry is right there with her, providing most of the nonsense they have thrown at the royal family. Harry has always been troublesome. Were none of you around to witness his upbringing? 

The palace PR team created that charming prince persona, but it's clear they were paid a hefty sum to rehabilitate his image and cover up his atrocious behavior. Reports of his drunken bar fights and drug-fueled escapades are well-known. He would pick fights and even assault bar owners, causing damage to their property. Charles had to pay substantial sums, in the millions, to silence many individuals and replace their property.

And all the while, Meghan has been using Harry for fame and fortune. It's widely recognized that she allowed Harry to remove his mask and reveal his true self. She isn't entirely to blame, except for exacerbating his preexisting resentment and animosity toward his family when things didn't go her way.

I believe that all the hidden dirt on Meghan, concealed by the security services, should be exposed. Let the bullying report be made public, and let the truth about the alleged scam of the invisible children be revealed, whatever it may be. Let them face the consequences and bring them down together. I don't think Harry will ever regain acceptance from the British public as a working member of the royal family, particularly due to the pain he caused Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip in their final years on Earth. They must face the repercussions for their despicable actions.

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