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Prince Harry's Responsibility: Exposing the Truth about Ghost Children - Act Now, Before It's Too Late!

Prince Harry's Responsibility: Exposing the Truth about Ghost Children - Act Now, Before It's Too Late!

It seems that the days of people in Britain being gullible are behind us. Nowadays, individuals are no longer hesitant or scared to express their opinions and grievances, even if they are against the royal family. With obvious scams being perpetuated in front of the entire world, not many people are turning a blind eye at this point.

The late beloved Queen was not fond of confrontation, and perhaps for various reasons, she avoided addressing the problems concerning the terrible duo. Unfortunately, Charles has inherited this nightmare, and it appears that he lacks the strength to resolve the issue once and for all.

 However, it's clear that the public will never forget about the "Invisibles." After all, they are still in the line of succession, just like Harry, the traitor, who now holds the titles of prince and princess.

The only thing that could potentially save Charles and the monarchy as a whole is the truth. Charles should have addressed this months ago when Queen Elizabeth passed away. He missed a significant opportunity to claim that important decisions regarding the truth were under the queen's purview, thereby relieving himself of responsibility.

Now, people in the U.S. are seeing Meghan and Harry for the manipulative individuals they truly are. Considering the current climate of antipathy towards them, now would be the best time to reveal the whole truth about this messy situation, especially regarding Archie, who was born in the UK while the gruesome twosome were still part of the working Royal Cadre. It might cause some damage to the monarchy, but there is enough goodwill towards the institution, particularly the Princess Royal and the Prince and Princess of Wales, to prevent an immediate collapse.

If it can be proven that Harry and Meghan deceived the entire family initially, leading them to believe that Archie rightfully belonged in the line of succession, more people will likely blame them than other members of the family. The longer the truth about this situation remains hidden, the more damage it will cause when it eventually comes out. It's like a cancer; the longer it stays concealed, the more it festers and becomes toxic, posing a greater risk to the entire institution.

To make matters worse, neither child appears to meet the statutory requirements to be included in the line of succession, if they even exist at all. It's my wish that the royal family exposes everything they know about the situation. This would achieve two significant outcomes: first, it would bring everything into the open and put an end to the speculation and rumors, deflating the situation to some extent. Second, it would make Harry and Meghan's role in perpetuating, initiating, and continuing this deception and lies even more evident to the entire world. If they continue to speak negatively about the royal family, everyone will assume it's just sour grapes.

On the other hand, why can't Harry share half of the responsibility in ending this mess? After all, he was the one who started it with the birth stories and other narratives propagated by this notorious yet blissfully married couple. Sometimes, family habits involve covering up poor decisions or lapses in judgment, and breaking these habits can be challenging. Family therapy can shed light on the unspoken rules and inherited patterns of family dynamics.

When these rules or habits are exposed, and the family realizes that they may no longer be applicable or may even harm the family, they can be reevaluated and discarded if they were merely followed due to tradition. Allowing Harry to get away with his poor behavior as a family habit should be carefully reconsidered because his behavior has become increasingly sophisticated and dangerous over time.

Perhaps the family needs to rethink the ancient rule of "never complain, never explain." In today's world, where communication and the internet make the world a stage, transparency and explanation are necessary. Either Charles must confront this issue, or poor William will have to deal with the problem. It won't simply disappear, and Charles has made matters worse by going through the pomp and expense of a coronation before finally revealing the truth. Perhaps his advisors are not as competent as previously thought, and maybe it's time for him to reconsider their roles. It seems they are out of touch with public sentiment.

It is crucial for Prince Harry to take on his share of responsibility in ending this mess, considering his significant role in its creation. The truth must be brought to light without delay to address the speculation, rumors, and public concerns. The longer the truth remains concealed, the more damage it will cause, and the monarchy risks further erosion of public trust. It's time for the royal family to read the room and embrace transparency in order to restore faith in the institution.

If Charles truly intends to salvage the monarchy, he must understand that paying Meghan an exorbitant sum like a hundred million dollars and reintegrating Harry into the fold is an ill-conceived idea. It would be akin to abdicating now, as nobody in Britain wants Harry back. He is widely seen as a nasty, whiny traitor. No matter how much he speaks about his mental health issues, depression, or PTSD, it will not garner him sympathy. In the UK, he is essentially finished, with dwindling trust from the public.

Furthermore, providing Meghan with money is the height of folly. It would only enable her as a criminal blackmailer. Harry and Meghan are the ones who fabricated those pregnancies and are responsible for all the lies. The presence of those invisible children in America cannot be ignored indefinitely. If they are nonexistent, the truth will inevitably surface.

Besides, paying Meghan a substantial amount will not ensure her silence. She will continue to utilize her mouthpieces, like Scooby-Doo, to spread her baseless claims even further. A one-time payment, regardless of its size, will never satisfy her. She will seek an annual allowance on top, claiming it is necessary for the children's upbringing, even though their inclusion in the line of succession lacks any justification.

Meghan is a leech who would drain Charles dry until his passing, perhaps feigning disappearance and silence in return. But she will continue to share tidbits with her devoted followers, hinting at scandals and prolonging the torment as long as she lives. Charles will never be rid of her.

As long as Harry remains with her, he will persist in going public with random nonsense because he believes that is expected of him. Unfortunately, Harry is out of his depth and consistently puts his foot in his mouth whenever he speaks. Under his Random House contract, he has more books to publish, which is a cause for concern. Like Meghan, he has always sought to unload his inner turmoil and inflict his madness on the rest of us.

Moreover, it remains uncertain whether Harry will wake up to reality when Meghan discards him. He hasn't spent enough time away from her to regain a firm grasp on things. Just look at his recent fiasco when he appeared in court without any evidence to support his case against the mirror group. He should have been humiliated, yet he seemed oblivious to the situation. Harry's comings and goings, resembling a serving of all bran, demonstrate his lack of awareness. 

He rushes back to Meghan's side for further instructions whenever he finds himself at loose ends. He cannot be trusted with access to family secrets, regardless of whether his silence has been bought. Harry has become completely brainwashed and incapable of independent thought. Rationality eludes him at this point. He has become a liability, and the notion that throwing money at Meghan will resolve everything is a futile fantasy.

If they believe people will simply turn a blind eye and pretend this entire debacle never happened, they are sorely mistaken. The problem of the invisible children will not vanish. It's time to face the reality that the genie is out of the bottle, and all the king's horses and all the king's men cannot put it back. Charles, your subjects expect more from you. The declaration you made before God during your coronation, stating your commitment to serve, loses its meaning if the public cannot be trusted with the truth. It becomes just another lie from the House of Windsor. It is imperative that you reconsider your position.

After 70 years of preparation for this role, Charles now faces impending disaster due to the influence of this conniving opportunist and his spineless advisors. Your people demand better, Charles. The time has come to act. The consequences of inaction are dire. The genie cannot be contained, and the kingdom's future hangs in the balance.

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