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Meghan Fabricated Fake Evidence Confirming Non-Existence of Archie and Lilibet! SO BAD

Meghan Fabricated Fake Evidence Confirming Non-Existence of Archie and Lilibet! SO BAD

As many of you know, I haven't been a supporter of the Sussexes, but even so, sometimes I find it difficult to believe just how outlandish their claims can be. The idea that Archie and Lilibet are merely a complex fabrication fueled by Harry and Meghan is truly mind-boggling.

 Furthermore, when they alleged that Meghan experienced a miscarriage and took the remains from the hospital in a box to bury them under a tree, I couldn't help but question their credibility. It seemed like they were willing to lie about anything and everything just to garner attention.

Regarding their children, I have serious doubts about their existence. And even if they are real, I highly doubt that Meghan Markle gave birth to them. One only needs to look at the photos of Meghan during her supposed pregnancies to see the inconsistencies. It's quite amusing to think that Meghan believes we are all gullible enough to fall for such an elaborate ruse. 

Why didn't they just come clean with the truth from the beginning? The fact that Archie was not born at the hospital they claimed, as exposed by the doctor who denied being present, is a clear indication of their deception. Even Archie's birth certificate states a different London hospital. And of course, since Harry is the father, it goes without saying that Megan did not give birth to their children.

Had they been honest from the start, they might have gained some sympathy. But the truth is, Harry and his invisible children hold no significant status within the royal family. As soon as Prince George starts having his own children, Harry and his children will be pushed further down the line of succession. 

Therefore, it really doesn't matter how their children were born because their place in the line of succession is inconsequential. And since they didn't come from Megan's body, they shouldn't even be in the picture.

The couple resorted to creating phony birth documents, lying about birth times, doctors, and more, all in an attempt to convince the public of their children's existence. However, they failed to realize that nobody would have questioned their children's existence if they hadn't concocted such a web of deceit. It seems their every move is calculated to keep themselves in the media spotlight, while behind the scenes, they seek sympathy from other celebrities.

I find myself wondering who these children have playdates with. Do they hang out with Bigfoot? Or perhaps attend summer camp with the legendary Loch Ness monster? After all, there have been more alleged sightings of these creatures than we have seen photos of Archie and Lilibet. If they can use random kids' photos from the internet and claim them as their own, along with other outlandish claims like being involved in a near-catastrophic high-speed car chase in Manhattan, one can't help but question what they wouldn't lie about.

They even claimed to have buried a package given to them by doctors after the alleged miscarriage. Additionally, they insisted that people in the streets of Africa were celebrating their wedding day, and they purportedly had a private backyard marriage ceremony three days prior to their grand spectacle. These are just a few examples of their numerous lies and fabricated situations. It's evident that this toxic duo is responsible for concocting a multitude of falsehoods.

Sure, they can continue to lie about the legitimacy of these alleged children, along with Megan's previous statement about Harry being one plane crash away from becoming king—some pretty alarming stuff. However, these lies only reveal Megan's true motivation for wanting her children in the line of succession. It's understandable why other people would be nervous and prefer to keep her at a distance.

If the children are real, it's quite sad that they never get to experience the outside world. They lack play areas and don't have the opportunity for playdates with other children. Although Harry mentioned paparazzi at Archie's school, he doesn't actually attend a regular school, and there are no other children seen with them. It's impossible to keep the children hidden forever if they truly exist.

Now, it's encouraging to see that media outlets like the New York Times and The Wall Street Journal are starting to acknowledge the truth. Previously, people may have easily grouped these two individuals with the rest of us, but most of us despise dishonesty, cruelty, and cheating. Now, Megan and Harry are simply making fools of themselves out in the open field. I can't comprehend why this fantasy appeals to some peculiar individuals out there.

Thanks to the Palace's refusal to confirm or deny the claim of meeting Lilybet, there is no solid proof either way. However, I trust the airline staff who assured journalists that there were no children present on the private jet flight that brought Megan and Harry. Additionally, the photos showing Her Majesty the Queen and King Charles with the alleged daughter of Harry and Megan appear to be clearly photoshopped. So, I don't believe this meeting ever occurred, which aligns with articles exposing the origins of those photos and how they were manipulated.

When it comes to Megan and Harry, there isn't much evidence to suggest that they genuinely care about the truth—the actual truth, not their version of it. They simply fail to think things through and instead rely on their PR team to craft stories for the media. It's a constant stream of fabrications coming from these two. No subject is safe from their manipulations.

For instance, when Megan needed to overshadow the Wales family's sad announcement about their beloved dog's passing, she suddenly recalled her alleged miscarriage a few months earlier. She took a real experience, exaggerated it with her infamous word salad, and served it up as a 1,000-word article. I'm astonished that the paper published it without fact-checking its authenticity. Harry then felt the need to amplify the story even further, adding harrowing details about bringing the remains back in a small bag and burying them with his bare hands.

 Both of these actions would be highly illegal, and there's the risk of an animal digging up the remains. It's truly disturbing and disgusting. Moreover, Harry claimed to bury the remains under a tree that cannot even grow in Montecito. It's almost as if they want us to believe that pigs can fly.

A royal expert has chimed in, stating that it's not uncommon for the famous to have babies through surrogacy. In fact, there have been at least two such cases reported just this week.

Biologically, if the alleged children are indeed Harry's, it's possible they were conceived through surrogacy. Megan has shown a tendency to emulate her idols, so why wouldn't she pursue this path? However, if these children exist, they are living an incredibly pitiful and dysfunctional life, which is truly unfortunate.

People can speculate all they want, but according to this expert, the children are most likely Harry's and possibly Megan's as well. If they are Harry's biological children, and let's face it, they are wealthy enough to arrange such matters, it doesn't pose a threat to the monarchy. Legally, they would be considered the king's grandchildren since they are in the line of succession. Therefore, it cannot be used against the monarchy.

If they were to bring the children back to the UK, it would require the king's approval. The queen already approved of their departure, but would the king do the same? If they were to return, they would be trapped in the UK without the protection they currently enjoy. This situation goes beyond a mere power play, which is why they are cautious not to publicly acknowledge their decision about bringing the children.

Another possibility could be that any photos featuring Harry and Megan might overshadow the king and queen. The royal couple has invested significant resources, including relationships, in building Megan's image, which is still far from perfect. They cannot afford to have photos that outshine their own status. It's a complex situation. Who should they choose to include in the photographs—only their children or all of their grandchildren? And perhaps Megan's children do not yet have titles.

This might be due to Megan's declining ratings, as they cannot afford the potential public backlash. Moreover, Harry's relationship with Camilla remains strained after his previous comments about her. She may always be seen as his adversary. It's likely that Harry will never have a happy photo with his family again. However, he must also consider who is to blame for this situation.

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