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Prince Harry's Lost Journey: Abandoned by Meghan in the Hypocritical Hollywood World

Prince Harry's Lost Journey: Abandoned by Meghan in the Hypocritical Hollywood World

Ever since Harry and Meghan left the UK, claiming their desire for privacy and financial independence, their actions have been anything but low-key. 

It seems they are constantly striving to outshine the royal family and grab headlines. If they truly desire privacy, perhaps they should consider refraining from publicizing their every move and the company they keep. Only then could they potentially attain the privacy they claim to seek.

Harry, asaurus as I mentioned before, appears to feel uncomfortable with the showbiz lifestyle. However, it's worth clarifying that merely being married to an actress and residing in Southern California does not equate to living a showbiz life.

 I must admit, I find it amusing that Megan was not allowed to walk on the red carpet next to Harry in Morocco due to her perceived lack of royal status. The look on her face seemed to reflect humiliation, but honestly, it didn't stir much sympathy.

While Harry and Meghan project an image of being devoted humanitarians, their actions suggest a focus primarily on themselves and their financial gains. It appears they are engaged in a grifting scheme, attempting to extract money from the royal family while simultaneously complaining about being cut off. 

Their deals with Netflix and Spotify were supposedly signed to cover their security costs, but they now find themselves in a tight spot. Harry claims they had no plan, and while Meghan always seems to have one, it seems nobody informed Harry that money doesn't grow on trees or that Meghan's soap opera background wouldn't guarantee a lavish royal lifestyle in California.

Harry, seemingly swayed by Meghan's convincing tales, believed everyone would adore her and directors would be lining up to offer her work. Unfortunately, it was all a grand illusion. Now, Meghan is scrambling to establish herself professionally and differentiate from Harry, thinking she is the one people truly desire. 

In reality, it seems that neither of them possesses the talent or work ethic that the industry demands. Megan will likely learn this the hard way through more failed deals. Eventually, it will become increasingly challenging for both Meghan and Harry to stay afloat.

it appears that the path Harry and Meghan have chosen is fraught with difficulties. Their grand illusions and misplaced expectations are unlikely to sustain them in the long run.

Listen to the clucking of some free-range rescue chickens as they return to their roost. It won't be long now. It truly amazes me how out of touch with reality these two individuals are. To actually respond to negative press about their failed business ventures by blaming COVID as the reason? That just shows their complete lack of self-awareness and empathy for the public. 

Meanwhile, during Megan and Harry's pandemic misfortunes, millions of people were dying and healthcare workers were tirelessly working without any multi-million dollar contracts. Yet, Megan and Harry chose to walk away from their cushy, all-expense-paid Windsor housing estate and luxurious vacations to supposedly pursue a career in the U.S.

Are they seriously blaming COVID for their failed venture? In my opinion, COVID is actually the main reason these two con artists managed to secure $230 million worth of deals in the U.S. Home entertainment giants like Netflix and Spotify were thriving during the pandemic lockdown when public entertainment venues and restaurants were shut down. However, Hollywood understood long ago that Meghan Markle lacked talent, which is why they showed no interest in her.

 This led her to resort to the sex work industry, working on yachts, acting in adult films, and hosting at Soho House to fund her lifestyle and cosmetic surgeries. She was never going to be offered a significant movie role, with or without a title. Since the end of the lockdown over a year ago, numerous Hollywood award ceremonies and VIP parties have taken place, yet Megan and Harry have never appeared on the red carpet or guest lists.

Where do Megan and Harry get off thinking it's right for them to complain that Spotify signed up with UNICEF for a mental health series? Neither of them is a mental health expert, and only individuals who have experienced positive outcomes from professional counseling and support systems, like former drug and alcohol addicts who turned their lives around, should serve as role models for mental health. Megan and Harry are still completely out of touch, and Harry, in particular, is still battling drug addiction. At this point, they have nothing positive to offer society.

 Perhaps their best option would be to sell their extravagant mansion and move to a place they can afford, where they can promote a simpler, self-sufficient lifestyle like King Charles's ventures with organic permaculture. They live in California, where they could have an avocado or citrus orchard and even keep horses. There are numerous opportunities for grounded and productive lifestyles, but they have completely tarnished their images by chasing fame, fortune, and greed—the roots of all evil and corruption. I doubt any good can come from that.

I hope investors are learning a valuable lesson about the bad karma that comes from favoring talentless, wealthy, and privileged individuals over hard-working and talented people who truly appreciate and give their best when given opportunities. 

Unfortunately, it seems we live in a world where the titled rich and famous are treated more equally than the rest of us. This is a strong argument for stripping them of their titles, and hopefully, it will happen soon. Netflix also shares the blame. I'm sure they will reconsider their strategy after recent events. 

I mean, with all the resources available to them, how much effort does it really take to create profitable and meaningful content? If I had those resources, I believe I could do it. How much effort does it take for them to do something constructive and impactful? If I were Harry, I would come up with numerous creative ideas that align with the world of media, especially with the support, manpower, and financial resources at my disposal.

 However, they are simply a couple of lazy individuals allergic to hard work. They lack creativity and business sense, making them a burden. Accountants want assets on their balance sheets, not liabilities like them.

And yes, Meghan Markle is more to blame than Harry. She misled him from the beginning, promising that the Sussex brand would be a dominant force and highly sought after. Their performance in the interview with Oprah was a major mistake and significantly altered the audience's perception. But that is a story for another time.

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