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Prince Harry's Emaciation: Chelsy's Absence and Meghan's Alleged Fakeness Take a Toll

Prince Harry's Emaciation: Chelsy's Absence and Meghan's Alleged Fakeness Take a Toll

Pricne Harry and Meghan Markle, known for their hypocritical actions. There is a significant reason why Chelsea is frequently mentioned in Harry's case against the home office - she is the one who got away. 

Meghan will always live in Chelsea's shadow, as Chelsea embodies everything that Meghan is not: natural, unself-conscious, and at ease with herself. It becomes evident that Harry fails to recognize Meghan's true nature as a complete fake, unlike Chelsea, who is intelligent, ambitious, and pursued a career in law. 

Chelsea's passion led her to study gemology and establish her own ethically sourced jewelry collection. Unlike Meghan, Chelsea is proactive and aligns her actions with her morals, rather than coasting on other people's goodwill.

Chelsea comes from a wealthy family and exudes a sense of class. Her upper-class connections come naturally, without the need for networking. She genuinely befriends people, even without any personal gain in sight. On the other hand, Meghan has built her life on lies, including exaggerating her scholarship and portraying herself as a struggling student. 

Meghan attempts to appear relatable, even with stories about her broken car. In reality, she has had to work hard and network extensively to gain the upper-class connections she seeks. Once they are no longer useful to her, she discards them without a second thought. This stark difference in approach highlights their contrasting values.

At the age of 19, both Chelsea and Harry were exploring their identities and aspirations. It was fair for Chelsea to be interested in a wild Prince, hoping he would mature into his royal role over time. However, she eventually realized that Harry would not grow up and offer her what she truly desired. 

Looking back, Harry appeared genuinely happy alongside Chelsea, evident in his sparkling eyes and radiant smile. In contrast, his misery is evident in pictures with Meghan. Although he smiled on their wedding day, moments during the ceremony revealed his anxiety and uncertainty. He has only himself to blame for what could have been if he had grown up and left behind his destructive habits.

Some commenters have noticed that Harry has not aged well. The once adorable young man now appears haggard and worn down. The joy that once radiated from him has vanished. In contrast, Chelsea remains cute and naturally pretty, not needing to put in excessive effort. She surpasses Meghan in beauty, intelligence, and overall appeal. Megan, on the other hand, resembles an old, forgotten purse discovered at the back of a closet—rusty, dusty, and musty, containing a surprising collection of dried-up old testicles from her previous relationships, including Harry's. This observation is not solely based on Megan's physical appearance but rather influenced by her behavior.

Chelsea's photos consistently capture her happiness and genuine comfort in her own skin. In contrast, Meghan constantly appears constipated, struggling to micromanage every aspect of her life to maintain appearances. She perpetually wears an angry or unnervingly fake clownish smile. Additionally, an expert has pointed out the undeniable change in Harry. Regardless of our current sentiments toward him, the old photos remind us of his past happiness. This whole debacle has stirred a personal investment in some of us. While we have learned unpleasant truths about Harry's past, there is still a belief that he had the potential to make his family and himself proud.

It is important to acknowledge that the person one chooses to marry reflects their character and values.The single most crucial factor in determining one's success or failure in life is undeniably important. This truth has been expressed in various ways over the years, but its relevance has never been more apparent than when observing Harry's downfall from his once-promising potential to the current pit he finds himself in.

During an appearance on the Stephen Colbert show, Harry was asked by Stephen what he preferred to be called. Harry mentioned that he had been called Harry, Baz, Baza, Baza Rooney, and Spike. He explained that "Has" came from Meghan, but let's set that aside for now. Spike was his fake social media name, but the origins of the names Baz, Baza, and Baza Rooney remain unclear. Stephen chose to call him Prince Bazaruni, a rather unexpected derivation from Harry. Especially considering that the name "Has" was not in use until after Meghan's emergence in late 2016.

Moving on to the recent court case involving the press, Harry repeatedly mentioned his lost love, Chelsea Davy, during his testimony. Her name was brought up 118 times, serving as one of his strongest pieces of evidence for the invasion of his privacy. Harry expressed particular distress over the press discovering their private retreat in the beautiful and romantic Bazarudo Archipelago islands. This incident seemed to bother him more than other intrusions.

 It is worth considering that Harry's friends nicknamed him "Baz" after he returned to London, seemingly infatuated, from a vacation spent riding horses into the sea and enjoying copper bathtubs at sunset along the ocean. If "Bazarudo" is indeed where the names Baz, Baza, and Baza Rooney originated, it seems peculiar that Harry would focus so much on it during the Colbert interview. It does not align with someone who has moved on from their ex-partner.

A source revealed that Chelsea cried at Harry's wedding, a poignant image not to be forgotten. Harry desired a billionaire lifestyle and dreamed of living in Africa. He could have achieved this with Chelsea if he had played his cards right. Regrettably, he failed to fight for her or put in enough effort to protect their relationship. The phone tapping scandal became his excuse for Chelsea ending their relationship. He blames the press for their breakup, but that's a convenient scapegoat. Chelsea waited patiently for Harry to step up and act like a man, but he never did, leading her to finally give up on him.

One observer asserts that losing Chelsea is probably Harry's biggest regret in life. It is evident that they were deeply in love, and Harry appeared desperate to recreate that love. Thus, he eagerly seized the first opportunity to marry whoever would have him. The belief is that Meghan sold him a false narrative about Africa and being a humanitarian. Harry, not seeing her for who she truly was, harbored a fantasy of connecting with Africa through Meghan due to her mixed racial heritage.

The reality is, with some foresight into the future, Harry could have easily built a good life with Chelsea. They could have spent most of their time in Botswana or South Africa, away from the media's prying eyes. He could have dedicated his life to various African charities and issues while residing on a secluded piece of land with Chelsea, assisting his friends in producing documentaries. However, Harry lacked vision and failed to plan his future. Instead, he passively awaited events to unfold, allowing others to dictate the course of his life.

Having recently read a book on the matter, the impression left is that Harry has never been proactive in anything. His entire life, he has been told what to do and directed by others. He seemed unaware of the power and privilege his position afforded him. When his African friend suggested that he shine a light on a cause, Harry had no idea how to proceed. In fact, he even needed to be prompted to wear a charity bracelet to raise awareness.

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