It's been suggested that Meghan's actions have often seemed driven by her desire for wealth and status, as she allegedly schemed to marry a rich British man. Some argue that her inability to see past her own perspective and her tendency to mimic famous figures, such as Wallis Simpson and Princess Diana, reflect a lack of self-love and a shallow personality.
Meghan's critics claim that she doesn't truly love herself because she doesn't acknowledge her own limitations or learn from her mistakes. Instead, she's seen as impulsive and driven by her emotions, making decisions without considering the consequences. This lack of self-control, some argue, not only affects her but also society as a whole.
While some may label Meghan as a narcissist, others believe her self-absorption is merely a façade to hide her inner emptiness. They argue that she relies on mimicry and the influence of others to regulate her emotional life, as she grew up without established boundaries.
Meghan's detractors contend that she reacts solely to her current emotions and refers to them as her "truth," guiding her behavior. Her alleged lack of conscience and inability to recognize boundaries are cited as reasons why she repeats her actions without learning from them.
In contrast to Meghan, many individuals recognize their limits and understand their capabilities. They love and accept themselves for who they are. Meghan, on the other hand, is seen as someone who believes she can be anyone she wants to be without acknowledging her limitations. Critics argue that she refuses to accept reality and instead focuses on what she feels in the moment.
Meghan's inability to face objective truths is believed to lead her to lie, manipulate, and pretend to avoid confronting her true self. Critics argue that if she were capable of self-awareness, she would exhibit empathy, compassion, and a connection to others. Instead, they see her as selfish, spoiled, and disconnected from reality.
Some believe that Meghan's inability to develop a genuine personality leads her to mimic others and steal ideas. They argue that her speeches often contain buzzwords without personal conviction because she lacks personal convictions herself. She's seen as virtue signaling to gain public acceptance.
Critics argue that Meghan had opportunities to change but chose not to. They see her as uninterested in reality and focused solely on her immediate needs and desires. Her selfishness and lack of empathy are seen as toxic traits that hinder her personal growth.
Meghan Markle's behavior is a topic of debate, with some questioning her level of self-awareness and suggesting that her actions reflect a lack of self-love and a shallow personality. Others argue that her behavior is a result of her upbringing and an inability to face objective truths. Whatever one's perspective, Meghan's actions continue to generate discussion and debate.